Random Holiday Thoughts
1 - I'm a fashion hypocrite. A while back, I bitched and complained about a certain fashion trend that I was totally against (I'm lazy, half-drunk on Baby Duck and I don't feel like finding the link right now, sorry). Well, a few days ago, I went boot-shopping with my mom. I needed winter boots and since they would be much cheaper in NB, I figured this was the right time to go. Well, I show up at our one shoe store and realize that they have no hikers except one pair that I didn't really like. But they had these other boots. These totally gorgeous, tall and gorgeous moccasin like things the kids are all wearing these days. And I was in love. How gorgeous are they? So gorgeous my sister went and bought the same pair (man I wish I had a digital camera). I have managed, so far, to refrain from shoving my pants into them... but it's only a matter of time... Damn trend breaking down my solid resolve!!! Damn you!
2 - I'm the world's worse gift-wrapper. Seriously, it's pretty bad. How bad? Well on one gift I used way too much paper, but then on the next one I used way too little. So I ended up using the scraps from the first present to patch up the holes. Then I used up the entire roll of tape trying to keep it together. Thank God people were in too much of a rush to notice... or too nice to say anything. Again, I wish I would have had a camera to take pictures of the disaster.
3 - My family cheats at cards. My sister's boyfriend uses the old "look over there" trick to distract our opponents and show me what trump to go into. My mom will tell people she doesn't know how to play and then turn all pro on you with fancy deck shuffles. Then she'll give me winks and mouth the word "spade". My cousin peaks over your shoulder. My uncle will tag-team with my aunt and "not play", but then he'll sit behind you in the rocking chair and tell her what's going on. Oh, and if you lose, I think you get disowned.
4 - At home, we have a TV in every room in the house. I now understand why Darcy didn't want to put a TV in our bedroom. I haven't gone to bed any earlier than 2am since I've been here because I would lay in bed and watch TV. I think if we had a TV in my Ottawa bedroom, I would never sleep.
5 - VIP is a crappy, crappy show that I am unfathomably drawn too. Seriously, the production quality is crap, the acting is crap, the storylines are crap, but I can't help watching this damn Holiday Marathon on Spike TV. I think Pamela Anderson's boobs have a special hypnotic power that prevent you from looking away.
6 - I'm going to attempt throwing a party for New Year's. And I hope you can come. Leave me a message in the comment section if you are in town and want to come and I'll get in touch with you.
Merry (insert holiday of choice here)!
2 - I'm the world's worse gift-wrapper. Seriously, it's pretty bad. How bad? Well on one gift I used way too much paper, but then on the next one I used way too little. So I ended up using the scraps from the first present to patch up the holes. Then I used up the entire roll of tape trying to keep it together. Thank God people were in too much of a rush to notice... or too nice to say anything. Again, I wish I would have had a camera to take pictures of the disaster.
3 - My family cheats at cards. My sister's boyfriend uses the old "look over there" trick to distract our opponents and show me what trump to go into. My mom will tell people she doesn't know how to play and then turn all pro on you with fancy deck shuffles. Then she'll give me winks and mouth the word "spade". My cousin peaks over your shoulder. My uncle will tag-team with my aunt and "not play", but then he'll sit behind you in the rocking chair and tell her what's going on. Oh, and if you lose, I think you get disowned.
4 - At home, we have a TV in every room in the house. I now understand why Darcy didn't want to put a TV in our bedroom. I haven't gone to bed any earlier than 2am since I've been here because I would lay in bed and watch TV. I think if we had a TV in my Ottawa bedroom, I would never sleep.
5 - VIP is a crappy, crappy show that I am unfathomably drawn too. Seriously, the production quality is crap, the acting is crap, the storylines are crap, but I can't help watching this damn Holiday Marathon on Spike TV. I think Pamela Anderson's boobs have a special hypnotic power that prevent you from looking away.
6 - I'm going to attempt throwing a party for New Year's. And I hope you can come. Leave me a message in the comment section if you are in town and want to come and I'll get in touch with you.
Merry (insert holiday of choice here)!
Hey Nanc,
I hope you had a fun and relaxing Christmas.
1. All families cheat at cards :)
2. I am picturing you wrapping the present with too little paper and patching it with other paper, I think Darcy needs to get you a digital camera :)
3. The tv in the bedroom sounds like a great idea until you have to get up the next morning early. But really if I didnt already have the television in Ottawa when I moved I wouldnt put the tv in my room...As much tv as I watch that is.
4. VIP is the bomb!!! :P just kidding, it really really is a crappy show. The only thing that even remotely makes it watchable is Pam's boobs and how the show makes Pam look like a real ditz.
I will talk to you later
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM
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