So you want to be an actor?

Monday, December 05, 2005

Life Imitating Art

A few weeks ago, dear Tania mentioned that it was the play's fault for certain new behavioral paterns that she might be developing. I now truly understand what she meant.

In the timeline of my show, prior to the beginning of the play, my character has just ripped off a supermarket. Some of our character development exercises have included improvs where I go through the process of ripping off said supermarket. After rehearsal last Friday night, I stopped by the 24-hour Loeb (yay for 24 hour convenience!) to pick up some orange juice.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

So I'm standing in front of the two-bite brownies (mmmmm, two-bite brownies!) and, man, do I want those two-bite brownies. And as has become habit in rehearsal, I look to the left and I look to the right and I grab the brownies and OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!?! I was just about to put it in my coat! Thank God I caught myself in time and dropped it in the basket.

Needless to say I was really weirded out by the whole experience. Do you think the nice people at Loeb would have accepted the "I'm just rehearsing for a play" excuse?

Therefore, dear readers, please do not leave any food lying around that you would not like to lose because you'd be surprised at what a girl can stuff into her bra when forced to it.

Hey, at least I'm getting into character.


  • How wynona rider of you!

    Remember that time you tried to put the nacho cheese mix in your purse?

    er... wait...

    By Blogger Darcy, at 4:02 PM  

  • ouch!

    By Blogger Mme H, at 11:32 PM  

  • As I recall Darcy, you were the one trying to hide the nacho cheese in my purse and if not for my intervention, you would have gotten away with it :p

    And in response to Deb: probably. But then again, that's why my boyfriend and sister have stable government jobs to support my poor, hungry, homeless, but artistic!, ass.

    By Blogger Nancy Kenny, at 11:37 PM  

  • Well I'm glad you and Antonia have bonded so closely... Maybe a little too closely?
    btw, I've posted some of my pics on my space... you should have a look

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:40 AM  

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