So you want to be an actor?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sweet Surrender

You can call it giving up. You can call it losing faith. You can call it whatever you like, but I quit. At least for a little while.

I'm tired of fighting against myself. This War of Art has left me one too many times wounded on the battlefield and right now I just can't take it anymore.

It's sick. The more positive stuff I see happening to people around me, the deeper the hole I'm in seems to get. And the more I feel that way, the more I berate myself for how horrible a person I can be. I mean, if these people are my friends, why can't I just be happy for them. But the more people I see doing things and making stuff happen for themselves, the more inadequate I feel.

So I've decided to quit.

No more writing (no blogs, no scenes, no poems). It doesn't make me feel better anyway.

And once I finish up this short film I had already agreed to do (that is if this whole "You're hired, you're not hired" fiasco hasn't completely ruined that opportunity), I won't be acting for a while either.

So tomorrow, I will spend most of my day either in bed or watching television on the couch. I will clean the bathroom and finish up the laundry. And then, if I'm to it, I will look for a job. A real one.

Is this a permanent scenario? I don't know... All I do know is that I'm not happy in my current situation and I need time to try and fix it.

If I feel like it, I might let you in on how it goes. Then again, I've been notified that there are some things that I probably shouldn't talk about here in this public forum. So maybe not. Anyway, for the moment (and who knows how long that will last), I am shutting down and closing up shop.

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