So you want to be an actor?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I am Angry

I was going to take the opportunity today to talk about the musical I got to see last night, but Kris can go much more in dept for these sorts of things, so go read his review.

No, instead I will simply mention that that whole "two glorious weeks of work" I was talking about in a previous post isn't going to happen. It's a long story that I really don't want to get into right now.

And I am angry about that.

In fact, the more I think about it, I am angry about a lot of things in my life. Not the least of which is the fact that I cannot express anger. I either burst into tears or bottle everything in. The first one makes me feel weak and pathetic. The second probably means that if I can't find a proper way to release steam in the very near future, I am probably going to go postal on somebody's ass. Neither of those scenarios appeals to me.


I think I need therapy.

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  • Good for you for realizing that though and admitting it. Now it's time to play - tell everyone what you think...hehehehehe...this could be SADC worthy!

    By Blogger Travelling Journals, at 11:45 PM  

  • I was going to post something sarcastic, but there's no point. I vote for feeling gloriously weak and pathetic.

    And I wanna hear EVERYTHING.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:45 PM  

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