So you want to be an actor?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Driving in my Car

Recently, Darcy and I have become the proud caretakers of a 1989 Chevy Celebrity, blue with fine rust colorations. Today was my first time driving it. I went to Rockland and back twice sinceI had to go pick up Karyn and then bring her back.

A few things I realized about driving:

-I'm not a bad driver, but since I don't drive very often, I'm a nervous driver. Now this isn't really a bad thing since it also makes me hyper-aware of what's going on around me. However, it's a very annoying feeling to have.

-I don't care very much for driving at night or in the rain. Tonight, it was dark and rainy and that was even worse.

-I'd like driving a whole lot more if nobody else were on the road.

So, as long as it stops raining, never gets dark again and nobody ever leaves their driveways if I decide to take the road, this driving thing is a piece of cake.


  • heya, fruity pants!

    I tried e-mailing you at the address attched to this blog...the one. I was wondering if you have derek's e-mail address as I have lost it.

    thanks, ray

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:48 AM  

  • It's also importantt hat you don't drive during busy periods if you need to make a left hand turn, since apparently in NB they don't teach you to creep out and turn when the light changes.

    By Blogger Darcy, at 11:42 AM  

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