Opportunity Knocks
So I guess my imagination was overeacting after all. My agent just contacted me with two audition notices.
One is for an actor role (less than five lines) in a CBC miniseries called Hotel Metropolitan. I'm auditioning tomorrow for the part of a Chambermaid. Like another fellow actor endured before me, this is one of those 1-liner auditions where I will say such things as "I don't have a bathing suit!" and "We'll say we were bringing towels." Feel free to interpret that anyway you like :p
Oh, but if I don't get the part, please don't call me to say you saw the show and were wondering were I was (Hi Karyn! ;)
The second one, and this is were I'm very happy no bridges were burned with my agent, is for a brand spankin' new French TV show from the good people who brought you such aclaimed Franco-Ontarian drama as Francoeur (ok, I don't know if it's aclaimed or not, but it's work and I'll take it!) That audition will be happening at some point in November.
I am very excited!
One is for an actor role (less than five lines) in a CBC miniseries called Hotel Metropolitan. I'm auditioning tomorrow for the part of a Chambermaid. Like another fellow actor endured before me, this is one of those 1-liner auditions where I will say such things as "I don't have a bathing suit!" and "We'll say we were bringing towels." Feel free to interpret that anyway you like :p
Oh, but if I don't get the part, please don't call me to say you saw the show and were wondering were I was (Hi Karyn! ;)
The second one, and this is were I'm very happy no bridges were burned with my agent, is for a brand spankin' new French TV show from the good people who brought you such aclaimed Franco-Ontarian drama as Francoeur (ok, I don't know if it's aclaimed or not, but it's work and I'll take it!) That audition will be happening at some point in November.
I am very excited!
Sorry Nance...I didn't mean to...ugh, I'm a jerk. I just remembered your post about that line "I'm not getting any" (probably because I'm not..heh) for that commercial and I didn't remember you saying you didn't get the part. So when I saw it on tv I got excited for you, but I guess I should have just kept it to myself. If you were in it, I'm sure you would have shouted it for all to read here on this blog, right?
Foot-in-mouth syndrome...:S
Shutting up now. :X
Mme H, at 8:24 PM
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