Kicking Myself Right Now
So here I am, secure in my life-changing decision to leave the administrative work-force for more artistic pursuits and what do I do? I turn down a request from my agent. She called me yesterday to let me know about an opportunity to do BG work on a French TV show entitled Francoeur which will be shooting Friday in beautiful Alfred, Ontario (further away from Ottawa than evenKaryn). I feel twice as bad about this because she even went to the trouble of arranging a ride for me.
And why did I turn her down? Because I have to work! Because Friday is U of Freakin' O Day and God forbid that the local high school brood that are considering our fine establishment (or just looking for a good excuse to cut classes) not get the information they require when their choice comes down to how much our intramural program might cost.
*Insert Charlie Brown frustrated scream here*
I mean isn't this counter-productive to my life-changing decision?
I try and tell myself that it's only BG work and it's not like I was blowing off an audition (which I would NEVER, EVER do!), but it's BG work in FRENCH! This could have been my big opportunity to break in on the other side of the fence. I keep picturing a parallel universe me ditching work and going to the shoot and then getting chosen to say a few words, getting my UDA card, having that role upgraded to a regular in the cast, and becoming a major player in the French Canadian acting world. Parallel Universe Me is so cool! Then again, I have a very big imagination.
I'm also kicking myself because I'm scared my agent might be pissed at me. I mean, an agent for me is still this all-knowing, all-powerful being like the Wizard of Oz and I haven't realized that it's just a regular person standing behind the curtain. I also don't want it to look like my work makes me inflexible or unavailable for things, because it doesn't, but there are certain times when things pop up and I just need to be there. For instance, in this case we are short-staffed because of playoffs and I can't leave everything in the hands of my student staff :/
I'm trying to just let it go right now because I know I have a good agent who is always available for me when I have questions or need to talk, but dammit, I still have visions of maniacle laughter and blacklists going through my head.
There might be such a thing as TOO MUCH imagination.
And why did I turn her down? Because I have to work! Because Friday is U of Freakin' O Day and God forbid that the local high school brood that are considering our fine establishment (or just looking for a good excuse to cut classes) not get the information they require when their choice comes down to how much our intramural program might cost.
*Insert Charlie Brown frustrated scream here*
I mean isn't this counter-productive to my life-changing decision?
I try and tell myself that it's only BG work and it's not like I was blowing off an audition (which I would NEVER, EVER do!), but it's BG work in FRENCH! This could have been my big opportunity to break in on the other side of the fence. I keep picturing a parallel universe me ditching work and going to the shoot and then getting chosen to say a few words, getting my UDA card, having that role upgraded to a regular in the cast, and becoming a major player in the French Canadian acting world. Parallel Universe Me is so cool! Then again, I have a very big imagination.
I'm also kicking myself because I'm scared my agent might be pissed at me. I mean, an agent for me is still this all-knowing, all-powerful being like the Wizard of Oz and I haven't realized that it's just a regular person standing behind the curtain. I also don't want it to look like my work makes me inflexible or unavailable for things, because it doesn't, but there are certain times when things pop up and I just need to be there. For instance, in this case we are short-staffed because of playoffs and I can't leave everything in the hands of my student staff :/
I'm trying to just let it go right now because I know I have a good agent who is always available for me when I have questions or need to talk, but dammit, I still have visions of maniacle laughter and blacklists going through my head.
There might be such a thing as TOO MUCH imagination.
Let me ease your mind a little bit. I have auditionned for the company that produces Francoeur... more than a few times. I did BG work on the show when one of the cast members said I was available at the last minute. No one noticed I was there... no one recognised me from my (many) past auditions... nothing came of it.
It's not that much different on the french side as it is on the english... we're all still lonely fish-actors in a big pond of artsiness.
Wait... that was meant to make you feel better... then why do I feel depressed all of a sudden?
Natalie Joy, at 9:29 AM
Actually, in some weird, masochistic way it actually does make me feel better that things are exactly the same on the other side.
Sorry about the depression though :/
Nancy Kenny, at 2:18 PM
Hi Nancy, not to put a further downer on this, but I've heard of many actors that have been upgraded from BG in both english & french productions. Also, I hear through the grapevine that there is always a larger demand for francophone performers in Ottawa.
However, to alleviate any further frustration on your part, why don't you just give your agent your unavailabilities as soon as you have any so that she won't suggest you for something in the first place and then you won't know what you were missing! Hope that makes sense. Also, I always find that when something doesn't work out, it just means something bigger and better is on the way....
and finally - you can also tell your agent to let the prod. co. know that you are turning this down w/ regret but would be thrilled to participate in the future, should anything come up...
:) C'est tout.
Anonymous, at 11:48 AM
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