So you want to be an actor?

Friday, October 21, 2005

This May Become Problematic

Ok, so I have a blog. And if you're reading this, you're probably thinking "No shit, Sherlock!"

The problem is lots of other people also know I have a blog (and I actually have the stats to prove it! Tuesday I had 82 unique visitors to this site! 82!)

And now, if they are working on something with me, like say, oh I don't know, a PLAY, they will hurry their little legs home after rehearsal to see what silly thing I may have to say about them (yes, I'm little vain, see last post, but it might be due to the fact that I'm already getting into my character - nah! I'm just vain)

But it's true! (Hi Linda and Chris!)

So what I suppose to do now? Spend the entire rehearsal process without blogging? That would be torture! Especially now that I am thoroughly addicted to it. Speaking of which, you other people out there with your very own blogs, please please please update something! I'm dying here without a good story. I mean, sure, I could just pick up the phone and ask you how you're doing, but what's the fun in that?

Anyway, maybe it's going to be such a smooth and easy creative process that I will have nothing to talk about.


Heh, yeah right! When is putting on a play ever a smooth and easy creative process?

And besides, when have I ever been at a lost for words?


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