So you want to be an actor?

Monday, June 27, 2005

Maman, c'est fini!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Well, after ten exciting days, 14 shows, a lot of beer and late mornings to work, the Fringe Festival has now come to a close. First of all, I'd like to extend my sincerest congratulations to Nat and Stewart who cleaned up in the awards department (Best in Venue, Judges Favorite, and People's Choice Award for 52 Pick-up; Best Comedy for Hip Hop 4 Dumeez which Nat stage managed; Best Solo Performance for Tales from Another England which Stewart directed). Seriously, anything this artistic power couple touches seems to turn into gold.


Please, please, please let me audition for you!!!



Anyway, while reviews wouldn't help for the other shows I've seen, I just want to mention them: House, The Big Funk, Stale Pizza..., Monstrous Beasts, and Cougars.

This was a very strong year for the Fringe. There really has not been a show that I simply did not enjoy. Big congratulations go out to the organizing committee and the volunteers, as well as all the performers.

Good luck to those who are touring and I'll see you all again next year!


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