So you want to be an actor?

Monday, May 30, 2005

Patience is a virtue... or so I hear

You'd think I'd be satisfied right now. I'm one of the leads in an independant feature. I've got 2, possibly 3 auditions coming up in the next week and a half. I have a steady income. I have an agent. I have my health.

But I'm not really satisfied.

If you've ever seen the Little Mermaid, that song she sings about wanting more, that's how I feel right now.


I want auditions for stuff that will actually pay. I want some time off from my job for a vacation. I want to be in the union and have a dental plan.

I know, I know, it's coming.

But I want more, like, now!


  • Well I know how you feel. Gorgeous and kind fiancĂ©, multiple productions on the go and pioneering a Masters program just don't seem to be enough. I want a gorgeous, kind and OVERWHELMINGLY RICH fiancĂ©, multiple BIG BUDGET productions on the go and BEING THE DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE STUDIES in a Masters program. You can't have it all... so you might as well cherish what you've got. Both of us are pretty damn fortunate, so we have a lot of cherishing to catch up on!

    By Blogger Natalie Joy, at 2:29 PM  

  • Heh, well when you put it that way


    By Blogger Nancy Kenny, at 2:32 PM  

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