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Monday, June 20, 2005

I Heart the Fringe!

The Ottawa Fringe Festival is in full swing and so far things are awesome. Attendance has been great with a few shows selling out on their opening night, the quality of shows is fantastic, and I am so happy that there is still another week left to go. So far, the buzz around all the shows has been great. Not a single show seems to outright suck, which is no small feat.

Seriously, get off your ass, head down to the beer tent, pick up a program and see as many shows as you possibly can! Trust me, you will not regret it.

For those of you who need a little more encouragement, here are my opinions on the four shows I've seen so far. Schedules for all these shows, as well as additional Fringe information, can be found on the official website:

52 Pick Up - Enigma Productions

Go see this show! Go see this show! GO SEE THIS SHOW!

Playing in the Studio Leonard-Beaulne, 52 Pick Up was one of the lucky shows that sold out on opening night and with good reason! A deck of cards gets thrown into the air and out come 52 scenes, sometimes poignant but mostly funny, about relationships. The gimmick with this show is that you will never see it in the same order twice. However, the hook that will really keep you coming back for more is the chemistry and talent between the two actors, real-life couple Natalie Joy Quesnel (director, How nous avons Met) and Stewart Matthews (of England's Screwed and Clued).

Seriously, just go see this show. A word of warning though, you might want to start camping out for tickets now since they will obviously sell out the rest of their run too!

Hidden in this Picture - Vision Theatre

From the award-winning company that brought us the Fringe favorite Never Swim Alone, we get Hidden in this Picture, a satire about Hollywood filmaking. While some of the actors seemed a little nervous, which I attributed to opening night jitters, Alan Jeans comfortably slid in to steal the show as Craig, the all-too-eager-to-please assistant director. Even when he had nothing to say you couldn't help but watch his hilarious expressions and reactions to what was going on around him. This was not the best Vision show I had ever seen, but it was still highly enjoyable. I suspect that as time goes on it will also greatly improve. Definately worth the stopover at Academic Hall.

Two more reviews coming soon!


  • Nancy,
    Thank you for making my parents very proud. In a bored ...OK... vain effort, I googled my name and came across your review. Thank you!! I sent it to my parents and they were very proud.
    That was a fun show to be a part of, mainly because I didn't really have much to do except to pull focus, maybe I was too successful in that. Once again Thanks!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:17 PM  

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