So you want to be an actor?

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

One of those days

Today has definitely been one of those days where you just should have stayed in bed, hiding under the covers.

After buying a new pair of shoes last night and deciding in my mind what I was going to wear them with, I was severely disappointed to find out that the pants I was going to wear no longer fit. And by the pretty high waist on them, I don't think that they are all that much in style either. I then spent the next 45 minutes trying on outfit after outfit where nothing fit or looked right. Needless to say I was late for work. Good thing no one really cares here.

Checking my emails I found out that the relaxing weekend I was looking forward to has now bitten the dust. I had just invited some friends to a BBQ at my house on Sunday only to find out that we will be shooting more scenes for the film after all and that my boyfriend wouldn't have been able to come anyway.

Also, I had forgotten my hairbrush and my good makeup at the shoot location. Since I can't get a haircut until after the shoot is done, this means that I had one of the worse cases of bedhead ever (and not in the sexy tousled way). Also, I've been badly breaking out from the two pounds of makeup that would get caked on my face for the film. It's a vicious cycle because you break out from the makeup and then you need the makeup to cover them up. Since I didn't have my good stuff, I was stuck doing the best I can with my leftover products.

And to top it all off, my mouth is filled with canker sores and swollen like you wouldn't believe. I really couldn't understand what was going on since I'm not stressed out at the moment, and that's usually when I get the canker sores. Then someone I work with pointed out that she gets canker sores from eating too many oranges or tomatoes.

Well, I haven't really been eating any of those. I have been eating strawberries though. Lots of them. About 4 cartons over the weekend. One last night. But that doesn't make sense. If I was getting an allergic reaction to strawberries, it would have happened last night, not right now, I thought as I munched on my strawberry cream cheese bagel that I get every morning.


Wait a minute! Did I just say strawberry cream cheese?


So before 9:30am, I'm a bloated, pimply mess with bad hair, clothes that don't fit and a swollen face. Yeah, I'm a pretty picture. Thank God I don't have an audition today, or the shoot.


I just came back from the clinic. It surprisingly didn't take as long as I thought it would. It seems they take food allergies very seriously. After speaking to the doctor, she thinks it's more of a "reaction", but not an allergic one. More like my body is just saying, "Listen, enough with the red delicious goodness! Take that face! Let's see how many strawberries you can it now with holes in your mouth!"

"Oh just wait until you get the runs," the kind doctor says.

Thanks. Really glad I have something to look forward to. :/

She also told me to take some Claritin and I will be getting tested later on anyway just to be on the safe side.

So, how do you salvage a day like today?

I'm going shopping


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