So you want to be an actor?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I had an exciting Sunday.

No, not because I had an audition that happened to be a lot of fun. Although that was cool too.

After my audition, while waiting for a gym class to start, I wandered the mall. I went into Le Chateau and tried on a pair of pants, even though there was no chance in hell that they would fit, and guess what? THEY FIT!!!

Let's just say I have not worn pants that size since my third year in university. WOO!

Well of course I bought them! Screw the price, they fit!


And then, because I'm a big dork, I call my boyfriend from the mall to tell him how happy I was. He thought I was talking about the audition. Hell no! I got pants in a smaller size that fit, dammit!

He didn't get it.




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