So you want to be an actor?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Random Thoughts

Please excuse me, it's been a long day. However it ended quite nicely. I'm still chuckling from the guy on the bus who tried a "don't I know you from somewhere" line on another girl. And I wasn't the only one who noticed. This other guy noticed too. And we shared this, "Man, this guy is such a tool" smile. It was funny. He kept insisting he knew her. Naming random places. And then finally he's like, "Oh, well I'm Tooly McTool. Nice to meet you."


Anyway, I've been working since 8 this morning. I just got in. We had our company golf tournament today and I was one of the organizers.

Things I learned on June 1st, 2005.

1. I cannot get a tan, no matter how hard I try.
2. There is such a thing as verbal diarrhea.
3. Golf carts are the coolest vehicles on the face of the earth.

1. I spent the entire day in the sun today. Those of you who were not living under a rock somewhere probably noticed that it was close to 30 degrees today. The warmest day we've had all year so far... although I guess it's pretty warm under a rock too. Anyway. I spend the entire day outside and I swear I am just as pasty white as when I first went out. It's ridiculous! On a bright note, I didn't burn either. Which many people around me did. I also didn't get bitten by as many bugs as I usually do. But I think the OFF spray had alot to do with that.

2. After this long long day, I go strait from a 40 minute drive to an audition. I'm exhausted, but you know what? I am simply too tired to care what they think and I had a blast. Heh. Unfortunately they probably think I am one of the flakiest people on earth. Oh well. I had fun. It was a lot less stressfull then speaking in front of my boss, co-workers and a hundred other people as the tournament MC. Everyone tells me I did great, but I alwasy get the same feeling I always get when I usually go to auditions. "Oh I should have said that. Were those people at the back snickering at me or someone else? Man, I could use a drink right now!"


Anyway, at least it made sure I damn well didn't care anymore by the time I got to the audition.

3. I want a golf cart! I had the funnest job ever today. Driving around in a golf cart, taking pictures and delivering water. Screw ever getting a car! I want a golf cart.

Winter is going to suck


Heh, sorry for just the random jumble of words. I just wanted to get everything out there.

Time to wash off this bug spray and go to bed.


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