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Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Fringe Festival is Killing Me!

This past week I have been pulling double duty between the Fringe Festival and my job and I am exhausted. Nonetheless, I am having a great time. Things have really picked up at work and I'm enjoying it alot more. Also, I have not yet seen a show at the Fringe that I disliked. Since I have seen 6 shows since my last two reviews, these ones are going to be brief.

Hip Hop 4 Dumeez - Sable and Batalion

This dynamic duo has become a staple at the Fringe with past shows including a spoof about Freud and JOB: The Hip Hop Musical. Hip Hop 4 Dumeez is a hilarious lesson in Hip Hop. Whether you love the music or can't stand it, you will adore this show. I never laughed so hard at a piece of theatre in my life... uh, excuse me, I mean DVD... go see the show, you'll get it.

Tales from Another England - Screwed and Clued

Another Ottawa Fringe staple, the Screwed and Clued trio is now down to one with Justin Sage-Passant's one-man show, Tales from Another England. While I did not get all the England-related humour since I'm not all that familiar with it's customs and geography, Sage-Passant gives a strong performance and his ability to slip seemlessly from one character to another was enough to keep me captivated. All in all, another great piece from this English theatre company.

Radio Collar - Critical Distance

In class, we learned that theatre is suppose to be a cathartic experience. While I understood the concept, I had never truly experienced it until I saw Emily Pearlman's one-woman show, Radio Collar. This piece is hands down my choice for venue favorite in the Arts Court Library and I guarantee that if you see it, it will also be yours.

As a side note, Emily is pulling double-acting duty by also apearing in Black Sheep Theatre's The Big Funk, which I haven't seen yet. And I thought I was tired.

The Jewish Princess Diaries - Stolen Time Productions

Tania Levy will be the first to tell you that her one-woman show is still a work in progress, but that doesn't mean it isn't highly enjoyable. This Jewish American Princess is funny, touching and entertaining all at once. A must-see for any fan of Bridget Jones or the Princess Diaries.

Pajama Men in "Stop Not Going" - Second City Theatricals

This show is funny. But since I don't want to overhype it like my friends did, I won't say it's very funny... although it is. Check it out!

How to Save the Day - Sock n Buskin Theatre Co.

Three legendary heroes walk into a bar...
Matt Domville wrote an incredibly amusing piece through which Hercules, Robin Hood and Sherlock Holmes discuss what they are going to do when a new kid in town shows up with powers far greater than their own. The show is a smart,witty and really well-researched piece that pokes fun at the heroes mythology and the society they choose to protect. While it could still use some tightening up in some areas, I still had a fantastic time watching this show. Also, I think I'm in love with Robin Hood... or Errol Flynn... I haven't figured out which yet.

So, that's it for now. I still have to see House and The Big Funk, and anything else that people comp my way. I'll keep you all posted.


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