A New Calling?
I get a call today from a girl I did an acting workshop with last month. She got my number from the facilitator of ACT, Claudia Jurt. It seems she has an audition on Monday in French, and since she has an accent when she speaks she wanted some coaching. I thought, sure why not. So we set up a meeting time and then she asks: "How much do you charge?"
Exsqueeze me?
She says, "Well I would expect to pay you for this service."
I say, "Uh, well what's the going rate for something like this?"
She doesn't know.
"Um, well, how does 20$ for the hour sound?"
"Great! See you tonight!"
What just happened here? I'm getting paid for my services? Seriously?
I guess I'm still in the University mentality where I would volunteer for everything, and never saw one red cent. I would especially be keen on volunteering just for free food, but money?
Wow, I am just in shock here. I think I'm even more in shock over the fact that I have a marketable service I can offer. I mean, other than the acting thing.
I should go buy a receipt book. I'm going to have to declare this on next year's taxes!
Exsqueeze me?
She says, "Well I would expect to pay you for this service."
I say, "Uh, well what's the going rate for something like this?"
She doesn't know.
"Um, well, how does 20$ for the hour sound?"
"Great! See you tonight!"
What just happened here? I'm getting paid for my services? Seriously?
I guess I'm still in the University mentality where I would volunteer for everything, and never saw one red cent. I would especially be keen on volunteering just for free food, but money?
Wow, I am just in shock here. I think I'm even more in shock over the fact that I have a marketable service I can offer. I mean, other than the acting thing.
I should go buy a receipt book. I'm going to have to declare this on next year's taxes!
'paid for your services'
its like whorin out the french language.
my french isn't as good... i am like a gatineau lanuage instructor... to your... ah... higher end....
i am bailing on this comment right now.
darryldubya, at 8:44 PM
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