So you want to be an actor?

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

February Funk or Why Shopping Can Cure What Ails Ya...

Ok, February is a crappy month. It's so crappy, that the calendar people made it the shortest month of the year so that we could just get through it as fast as possible. I've never liked February. It's gloomy. By now, all the lights and colours and excitement leading up and over Christmas and New Year's has faded. When I was still in school, this was the time of year when all your work had piled up so high and you just didn't care anymore, but you still had to do it. However, in February, salvation usually came in the form of Reading Week. Now, I've never been on a trip to the Dominican Republic or any other Caribbean country as so many of my friends have done throughout their Reading Weeks, but at least I still had the week off.

Unfortunately, now that I am in the working world, we do not get a Reading Week. But because I work at the University, I am still affected by Reading Week. The majority of my employees are currently having drinks in my honour at a swim-up bar enjoying 30+ degree weather. They are enjoying daiquiris while I'm enjoying crappy University coffee. They are laying on the beach, while I wish I could still be laying in bed. Not that I'm bitter or anything.

Dammit! I hope they drink the water!


Ok, not really. I do hope they have fun.

In the past, I found the best cure for the blues to be a trip to the mall. Nothing like buying yourself something pretty to make you feel a million times better. I'm serious, going to the mall was very therapeutic.

You know what? I used to be stylish. I used to spend the vast majority of my money from the end of high school to about 2nd or 3rd year on new clothes. I miss that! So why don't I go shopping anymore?

I dunno.

Coincidently, my days at the mall sorta stopped right around the same time I got a boyfriend. I mean, no offense to Darcy, but it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone anymore.

Hey! Don't feel bad for him, his idea of being dressed up include sweatpants and a wifebeater.

There's also the fact that I really can't afford to go shopping anymore. You see, I may be a part of the working world, but the repayments on my student loans make it impossible for me to shop. Money has to be prioritized on stupid things like rent, hydro and, god forbid, groceries! Uck! Add to that being an actor with supply expenses and I am kinda stuck. I remember being in my University acting classes and wondering why these teachers never dressed up. They never wore makeup and always had on these baggy clothes. And yet they looked absolutely beautiful on stage. Was it because they spent so much time wearing a ton of stage makeup and dressing up in other clothes that they just didn't feel like doing it on a daily basis? I always told myself I would never get to that point, and yet, I'm getting there.

I guess I've also been stuck in the SFUO weight rut for far too long. You see, when I started work at the SFUO, I weighed about 120 pounds. Now clearly, that was a too low for my height, but I fell pray to the evil FED 15 (or more like 20 in my case) and haven't been able to get back on track. By the time I was done work there, I was at 140 pounds. It's an affliction that I've noticed has affected almost every executive member who's ever worked at the SFUO. I mean, you get all this money, you eat out alot, you stop working out, and you spend way too much time sitting at a desk. Last May was when I decided to get things under control by joining a gym. I go to Goodlife and I love it. While I still weigh about the same, it's all mostly muscle. Now I've been trying to just get back to where I'm comfortable, which is also why I haven't wanted to buy too many new clothes. What would be the point?

I also don't have anywhere to go. My daily routine includes getting up, going to the gym, working and going home. And work is pretty relaxed. I could probably where the same pair of pants for two weeks and no one would notice... Oh God! I'm turning into my mother!!! Debbie, help me before it spreads!!

You know what? Screw this! I get paid tomorrow. I'm going shopping!


  • "I also don't have anywhere to go. My daily routine includes getting up, going to the gym, working and going home. "

    You left out a key element to your day there...hello? WoW? And I'm sure you go plenty of places in that game, so it's not entirely true. =P

    - Karyn

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:38 PM  

  • Haha, I have an exception to your FED15 theory - I think my bfriend is the only person EVER who managed to lose weight while working there (and has been pretty persistant with it ever since :)

    Also, the entire reception staff seems pretty stable - maybe u went for the wrong position (actually im sure of it - we had way more fun up front :)...

    Glad you're working out, im joining the school gym this summer too. It's the size of the MPT gym (with half the equipment) but better than nothing i guess. Gotta fit into that bikini in july :) I know how you could lose some extra pounds - come sweat it off with me on a beach in Montenegro! We'll get some local boys to 'teach us' valleyball ;)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:49 PM  

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