I'm getting sick of hearing about all these people complaining that new parking fees will "destroy" the downtown core. It's been in the paper almost everyday for weeks.
See here: http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=4cdbff65-ecdb-4f8b-a901-a425bf2894fc&k=79963
I'm sorry but the Market is not meant for cars anyway (not to mention that there's a pretty big parking garage there, and the Rideau Centre is renovating theirs). Also, Preston Street BIA? If you gave a damn about your area, you would have done everything in your power to make things easier for people going to the theatre at the old GCTC. Now Westboro is enjoying a huge boom and you are eating scraps.
Though I agree that Council kind of dropped this out of nowhere without consultation, the fact remains that the city has no money (thank you, Mr. Zero Means Zero!) and it has to raise fees somewhere. This is an easy way to do it and it's good for the environment to boot because it discourages people from using their vehicles.
Oh, and if there are less cars clogging the downtown core, my bus will be faster. :p
And, is the Rideau Centre renovating their parking garage? Or are they gutting it to expand the shopping mall? My understanding is that there were plans for years to expand around that area, so I figured that was what they were doing.
And if that's the case, there will be even less parking. Plus, I am willing to bet that the garages in the area will hike their parking fees because there will be less competition around, making it that much more expensive for out of towners like me to visit the city.
Easy for you to say, you don't have a car :P
Also, this was pretty random. Context?
Darcy, at 9:50 AM
I'm getting sick of hearing about all these people complaining that new parking fees will "destroy" the downtown core. It's been in the paper almost everyday for weeks.
See here: http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=4cdbff65-ecdb-4f8b-a901-a425bf2894fc&k=79963
I'm sorry but the Market is not meant for cars anyway (not to mention that there's a pretty big parking garage there, and the Rideau Centre is renovating theirs). Also, Preston Street BIA? If you gave a damn about your area, you would have done everything in your power to make things easier for people going to the theatre at the old GCTC. Now Westboro is enjoying a huge boom and you are eating scraps.
Though I agree that Council kind of dropped this out of nowhere without consultation, the fact remains that the city has no money (thank you, Mr. Zero Means Zero!) and it has to raise fees somewhere. This is an easy way to do it and it's good for the environment to boot because it discourages people from using their vehicles.
Oh, and if there are less cars clogging the downtown core, my bus will be faster. :p
Nancy Kenny, at 10:03 AM
I agree with Darcy.
And, is the Rideau Centre renovating their parking garage? Or are they gutting it to expand the shopping mall? My understanding is that there were plans for years to expand around that area, so I figured that was what they were doing.
And if that's the case, there will be even less parking. Plus, I am willing to bet that the garages in the area will hike their parking fees because there will be less competition around, making it that much more expensive for out of towners like me to visit the city.
Anonymous, at 9:40 PM
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