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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Go Go Gatineau

As an addendum to my post about the City of Ottawa Budget, the City of Gatineau is planning a tax increase.

I love the quotes from the Gatineau Mayor:

"Mayor Marc Bureau said Gatineau council rejected Ottawa Mayor Larry O'Brien's goal of a tax freeze because taxpayers would object to any cut in municipal services... 'It is impossible for our city to have a zero-per-cent tax increase and we don't want to do that," Mr. Bureau said. "When I ran for mayor, I never promised that.'"

So whereas Ottawa is planning on cutting out libraries, Gatineau is adding seven. Whereas Ottawa is cutting arts funding, Gatineau is opening a municipal art gallery. Whereas Ottawa is cutting public transit, Gatineau is working on the Rapibus, it's new bus transitway. And whereas Ottawa is cutting recreational services, Gatineau is building a bicycle track.

Oh and they are also experiencing a surplus instead of a deficit.

Almost makes you want to move. Almost.



  • P.S.
    Where the hell have you been lately?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:54 PM  

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