Random Ramblings
If you are absolutely desperate to see a movie about a monarch and I totally turned you off Marie Antoinette, then go and check out The Queen. That was the only review/mention of the film I had ever seen and so I was shocked when I showed up and the theatre was packed. That review is bang on and the movie was definitely worth every penny.
I have a lot of shows to see in the next couple of weeks. First of all, I have to find a night this week to see Dr. Faustus. From the reviews I've read, this late in the game, the show should be brilliant.
I also need to go see the NORTshow next week. I've bought a ticket already though I haven't yet selected what date I will be attending.
And then, of course, there is the ultimate Diva event.
Unfortunately, theatre isn't exactly Darcy's favorite pastime, so if anyone wants to go see any of these shows with me, give me a shout. Tonight though, I will be checking out something that may be of actual interest to my culturally handicapped man: The Borat movie.
I am applying for 6 different jobs this week. It's weird. On the one hand I want to be hired and get a steady paycheck, but on the other, I really like my freedom right now.
I've started considering doing my Master's again. There's only one program I'm interested in though. It only takes people every two years with the next intake being the fall of 2007. Do I want to chance it now or wait another 2 years?
In other news, I've decided, along with my wonderful friend Tiana, to write a show and present it at the Ottawa Fringe Festival. We're also toying with the idea of touring it cross-country. I've always admired my friends who would just take off for the summer, doing what they love best across Canada. Deep-down, I've always wanted to do that too, but I always had an excuse. I'm too busy, I've got a job, I can't afford it, ect.ect.ect. Well, no more excuses! The time to hesitate is through! Come on baby, light my fire! I'm writing a show and I'm taking it on the road! How long that road will be remains to be seen.
But that means I now need to buckle down and start writing stuff. T and I have been passing ideas back and forth over MSN. We've even come up with a company name: Mad Muses. It will probably be Mad Muses Productions instead of Mad Muses Theatre since, as Claudia put it, we'd be able to use that name in other artistic mediums as well (she might have just said you could make a movie with that name... I paraphrased a little). For those of you wondering how I came up with that name, please turn to page 113 of your Steven Pressfield book.
One of the first things I had ever heard about writing is that you should write about what you know. What do we know? Well, we know a wee bit about acting. And that's the main theme of the play. Now I don't want to get into the plot here just yet (basically another way of saying I haven't exactly figured out what the plot is yet), but I have thought that it might be fun to branch out my horizons and interview other people on the subject of acting.
So, here is where I am asking you all to help. Whether you are an actor, a director, a techie or just a good ol' fashion civilian who happens to like watching TV, I want to talk to you. All I ask is maybe an hour and a half of your time where I will supply you with a caffeinated beverage (Business Expense!) and ask you questions. All you have to do is talk and let me take notes. If that sounds good to you, then give me shout. If you don't have my email address or my phone number, leave me a comment and I will get in touch with you.
I have a lot of shows to see in the next couple of weeks. First of all, I have to find a night this week to see Dr. Faustus. From the reviews I've read, this late in the game, the show should be brilliant.
I also need to go see the NORTshow next week. I've bought a ticket already though I haven't yet selected what date I will be attending.
And then, of course, there is the ultimate Diva event.
Unfortunately, theatre isn't exactly Darcy's favorite pastime, so if anyone wants to go see any of these shows with me, give me a shout. Tonight though, I will be checking out something that may be of actual interest to my culturally handicapped man: The Borat movie.
I am applying for 6 different jobs this week. It's weird. On the one hand I want to be hired and get a steady paycheck, but on the other, I really like my freedom right now.
I've started considering doing my Master's again. There's only one program I'm interested in though. It only takes people every two years with the next intake being the fall of 2007. Do I want to chance it now or wait another 2 years?
In other news, I've decided, along with my wonderful friend Tiana, to write a show and present it at the Ottawa Fringe Festival. We're also toying with the idea of touring it cross-country. I've always admired my friends who would just take off for the summer, doing what they love best across Canada. Deep-down, I've always wanted to do that too, but I always had an excuse. I'm too busy, I've got a job, I can't afford it, ect.ect.ect. Well, no more excuses! The time to hesitate is through! Come on baby, light my fire! I'm writing a show and I'm taking it on the road! How long that road will be remains to be seen.
But that means I now need to buckle down and start writing stuff. T and I have been passing ideas back and forth over MSN. We've even come up with a company name: Mad Muses. It will probably be Mad Muses Productions instead of Mad Muses Theatre since, as Claudia put it, we'd be able to use that name in other artistic mediums as well (she might have just said you could make a movie with that name... I paraphrased a little). For those of you wondering how I came up with that name, please turn to page 113 of your Steven Pressfield book.
One of the first things I had ever heard about writing is that you should write about what you know. What do we know? Well, we know a wee bit about acting. And that's the main theme of the play. Now I don't want to get into the plot here just yet (basically another way of saying I haven't exactly figured out what the plot is yet), but I have thought that it might be fun to branch out my horizons and interview other people on the subject of acting.
So, here is where I am asking you all to help. Whether you are an actor, a director, a techie or just a good ol' fashion civilian who happens to like watching TV, I want to talk to you. All I ask is maybe an hour and a half of your time where I will supply you with a caffeinated beverage (Business Expense!) and ask you questions. All you have to do is talk and let me take notes. If that sounds good to you, then give me shout. If you don't have my email address or my phone number, leave me a comment and I will get in touch with you.
Labels: Making It Work, What's Out There
Are you writing an ethnodrama about acting?
I'd love to contribute, but I don't think flying me from Vancouver for coffee can be qualified as a valid business expense....
Best of luck!
Lisa, at 5:01 PM
Lisa, we can totally fly out together. From Vancouver to Winnipeg you stay in the baggage compartment. Then, on th stop-over, we switch!
Patrick Gauthier, at 6:51 PM
The only two people who want me to interview them are in BC.
Maybe I should just fly out? I've never been to BC before.
Nancy Kenny, at 11:50 PM
you should get your MFA. best thing i ever did and probably ever will do, altho i went for creative writing. but STILL. you'd be a master of fineness. and who the f could argue with that?
Anonymous, at 12:08 AM
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