Screwed Over, Yet Again
A while back, I got cast in a short film. It was suppose to shoot that weekend, but because some crew members couldn't make it, it kept getting pushed back. We were suppose to shoot this past weekend. Once again, it didn't happen so the director tells me that we will be shooting this weekend.
"I can't," I tell him. "I have this voice class that I'm taking. It's been booked for months."
Then when it looks like class might be cancelled, I call him and tell him there's a 90% chance that I can still do it, if he hasn't decided to change the date yet.
Great! He tells me to call him as soon as I know for sure.
So I do. I leave him a message.
Then he calls me this morning to tell me that he's recast the part.
Excuse me?!?
You spend weeks and weeks pushing dates for a variety of crew members. I was ready, willing and able to work on every single one of those days. And now, because I might have a slight conflict, one that I managed to work around, you piss on me and recast the part without even warning me about it first?
What the hell kind of work ethic is that?
The worse part is, I really liked the project and I had wanted to work with this director for a long time. Now all I'm left with is a very bitter taste in my mouth.
"I can't," I tell him. "I have this voice class that I'm taking. It's been booked for months."
Then when it looks like class might be cancelled, I call him and tell him there's a 90% chance that I can still do it, if he hasn't decided to change the date yet.
Great! He tells me to call him as soon as I know for sure.
So I do. I leave him a message.
Then he calls me this morning to tell me that he's recast the part.
Excuse me?!?
You spend weeks and weeks pushing dates for a variety of crew members. I was ready, willing and able to work on every single one of those days. And now, because I might have a slight conflict, one that I managed to work around, you piss on me and recast the part without even warning me about it first?
What the hell kind of work ethic is that?
The worse part is, I really liked the project and I had wanted to work with this director for a long time. Now all I'm left with is a very bitter taste in my mouth.
Labels: The Actor
That is BS. The part is yours. Go fight for it!
Eugenia, at 1:25 PM
I completely agree with e. That is ridiculous.
Anonymous, at 2:24 PM
Honestly, if they're going to be that way with me. I don't think I want to work with them.
Nancy Kenny, at 3:47 PM
I agree with your last. That's no way to work.
Ereek, at 10:10 PM
Don't you need to be part of the Egg Movers Union, or the Caterers Who Bring Egg Union, or Eggquity to bring an egg onto a set? Or, is there some sort of reciprocal agreement between the actor's union which allows you to egg a set, or bring eggs onto a set? Does it matter whether you use brown or white eggs? Are the rules different when you choose to use Eggs of Colour? Barring the labour movement aspect, I certainly hope you're not going to consider egging a set without observing proper egg safety practices.
Seriously tho, that sucks. :(
Anonymous, at 11:31 PM
Yes, but these comments have been making me smile alot. So thank you!
Nancy Kenny, at 12:03 PM
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