So you want to be an actor?

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Technical Term is "Umbrella Bitch"

Yesterday, I finally had the chance to assist on a short film a friend of mine is producing. Unfortunately, the one day I was available also ended up being the one day it decides to snow in Ottawa. And we're shooting outside.

This is my second time working on a set outdoors through poor weather conditions though (last time was on Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer). Although this time I was better prepared (shoes with a wedge heal to keep me above the puddles, preventing water from soaking my pants, lots of layers, and my winter jacket - which as I unfortunately found out in OCTOBER will probably not be warm enough to take me through the winter). Note to self, next time bring additional socks.

Now, since I am in no way a technical person (or techie, if you prefer), I usually get relagated to simple tasks like taping up windows wih garbage bags to prevent the light from coming in. However, since on Jack Brooks I spent an entire morning holding an umbrella over the actors' heads, I jumped at the chance to do the same here. This time, on top of holding the unbrella over the actors' heads, I also got to hold one over the camera to prevent it from getting wet.

What can I say? I relish additional responsibility!

Seriously though, it was a great shoot and the crew was awesome to work with. The director was really cool. He kept teaching me things like how to set up the lights and would have me look into the camera to see how the shot would be framed.

I cannot wait for the wrap party next week which will be taking place at a karaoke bar (twice in one month! I'm a lucky gal)

Now, however, after a night of karaoke, two days of game announcements and an evening in the freezing rain, my throat is sore and my voice is kinda shot. If you'll excuse me, I have to go make some tea.



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