So you want to be an actor?

Friday, August 04, 2006

Bless the Gym

My cousin's first wedding anniversary is coming up soon and it got me thinking.

Just last week, I got a body composition report done at the gym and they compared it to the one I did last year at around the same time.

My weight in August of last year: 153.6 lbs
Total Body Fat: 21.4% or 31.3 lbs
Total Body Water: 54.5%
BMI: 24

My weight in May of this year: 138.6 lbs.
Total Body Fat: 17.4% or 23.3 lbs.
Total Body Water: 56%
BMI: 21

My weight 2 months later (or last week): 136.5 lbs
Total Body Fat: 16.9% or 22.3 lbs
Total Body Water: 56.5%
BMI: 21

Damn! Those are some nice looking numbers. And during those last two months, I wasn't doing an intensive amount of exercise. This was all gradual. I'm curious to see where I'm going to be at in another two months.

By now, everyone who reads this knows I have some massive self-image issues. To prove it, I still see myself as I was last year. To that end, I went and dug up the pictures from my cousin's wedding where I was a bridesmaid:

And well, I guess you can see the difference in any one of the pictures below. So maybe I should start dropping osme of these self-image issues.

But I still hate my teeth, dammit!



  • hehe, it's funny how the reduction of a few pounds and percentages over a few months seems fast now but it seemed really slow to you last year.

    Congratulations. I think I need a gym membership because now I'm where you were last year.

    By Blogger Mme H, at 3:57 PM  

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