So you want to be an actor?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Here a Blog, There a Blog, Everywhere a Blog-Blog

I always get a little caught off guard when people tell me they read my blog.

The first thing that comes to mind is why? I mean, I don't find myself particularly interesting or insightful. Most of the stuff I write here is so I can vent and reflect on what's happening in my life. And because I know people are reading, I don't even delve all that deeply there either.

As I'm reconstructing my links for this site (I know I am missing many so please leave a comment if I don't have you there), I have started to realize how many people also have blogs.

So what's your reason for sharing your thoughts with the world? Show me yours and maybe it will help me understand mine.

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  • I just want to stay in top intellectual shape and post ideas and reflections that may create debate. In an age of cynism, blogging can be a useful way of empowering those feeling powerless to change things.

    By Blogger M-A, at 9:38 AM  

  • My answer is in my blog.


    By Blogger Vicky, at 5:50 AM  

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