By Popular Demand...
Actually, there was no demand whatsoever, but I am still going to put up the four pictures that I have finally narrowed my headshots down to. I'm sorry I didn't involve more of you in the process of picking, but there were just so many good ones that I would have blown blogspots' bandwidth if I had put them all up here.


Labels: The Actor
You're right on the brothers. It was Tim, not David. He was wonderful. I had a lot of fu at the shoot.
Pricey but well worth it.
Really? You like #4? That's my least favorite. But what do I know?
Nancy Kenny, at 1:06 AM
Maybe it's because I know you well enough to say this, but a lot of your smiles don't look genuine. Also, are you self-conscious about your teeth or something?
So I personally prefer the first and last ones...although the third one might be good if you want to make yourself look more "mature".
Of course I look at this from a totally different perspective than any casting agent would.
And all of this being said, you are HOT STUFF even in the "bad" ones. :)
Mme H, at 1:38 AM
er, by third, I meant second.
"There are three types of people in this world: those who can count and those who can't"
Mme H, at 1:44 AM
I like the first and second pictures myself. And if I had to choose between thos two, I would pick #2. Looks more serious but confident...and there's that little sparkle in the your eyes that says: "I can have a lot of fun when it's time too".
Good job Nancy!
Vicky, at 8:20 AM
I think number 3 and 4 capture YOU the best. Number 1 captures the "standard Tim Leyes headshot" that makes people say "Oh, Tim Leyes took this" and not "Ooh, who is this Nancy Kenny?". I like number 2 but it's not YOU -- it's a female lawyer on a canceled CBC drama series.
Of course, what do I know? I am, as we are all aware, in incredible demand as an actor.
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM
Heh, number 2 is my female/lawyer/newscaster/reporter/any other person who wears a suit for a living
I can't believe people like #4 so much.
Nancy Kenny, at 10:30 AM
Number 1 and number 4... for sure.
Natalie Joy, at 10:54 PM
I'm going with the lawyer/newscaster/reporter/any other person who wears a suit for a living because
A) Suits are hot
B) You look amazing: sassy, sexy fun and mischevious (all in a suit!!)
C) Well...we can't be "all pigtails and curls" forever, now can we??
So work the suit, Ma the suit.
Anonymous, at 12:08 PM
#3 all the way
it is the most versatile and brilliant
they are all wonderful, but if you must chose one, i would say go with that.
i would write more, as they are amazing images, and i have many thoughts on them. but i have just found a hair baked into my pizza, and this has put me in a temporarily foul place
Eugenia, at 4:00 PM
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