Happy Blogaversary to Me!
Two Years
Two years of rambling, ranting and raving (the three Rs) for all the world to see.
I'd love to wax poetic at the moment and reflect on everything that has happened in the past two years, but I have to be on set in two hours (there's that number again!) and I still need to get ready.
However, to celebrate, I've decided to update the look of my blog. Unfortunately I didn't realize that changing the template would delete all my links. That's going to be a lot of fun to update. If you would like to be linked, just leave a comment. I don't really know anyone's blog addresses by heart, I would just click on the link.
In my next post I promise a more indept reflection over my life (riveting stuff, I know!) or maybe I'll just talk about my time as an extra in a Tori Spelling movie.
I wonder which one people want to hear more about?
Two years of rambling, ranting and raving (the three Rs) for all the world to see.
I'd love to wax poetic at the moment and reflect on everything that has happened in the past two years, but I have to be on set in two hours (there's that number again!) and I still need to get ready.
However, to celebrate, I've decided to update the look of my blog. Unfortunately I didn't realize that changing the template would delete all my links. That's going to be a lot of fun to update. If you would like to be linked, just leave a comment. I don't really know anyone's blog addresses by heart, I would just click on the link.
In my next post I promise a more indept reflection over my life (riveting stuff, I know!) or maybe I'll just talk about my time as an extra in a Tori Spelling movie.
I wonder which one people want to hear more about?
wow, I didn't know we celebrated these things...
I guess my bloggerversary is coming up this friday, although I used livejournal before that, and diaryland.com before that. I really have no idea how long I have been at it altogether. Probably 3 years or so.
Well Happy Blogday!
P.S. If you want, I can copy and paste the links from my blog's template for you. I know that won't put all of your links back but it would at least put the non-actor ones in, and save you a bit of time. Consider it my blogger gift to you!
Mme H, at 1:48 PM
Hey Nancy, Happy Blogaversary.
Been reading you since the start, myself, I've just turned 2 weeks and a half on blogspot...
Vicky, at 3:34 PM
Joyeux Bloganniversaire Nancy :)
M-A, at 3:50 PM
Happy Blogiversary!
And not to be negative, but I really liked your old setup better...
Anonymous, at 10:12 PM
Just between us, I'm not that happy with the new setup myself. I'm still tweaking it to find something I like.
Nancy Kenny, at 9:22 AM
Proof that there is no limit to the number of things women can find anniversaries for!
Darcy, at 1:42 PM
This template looks familiar...
hmm, you have good taste, Nanners.
Mme H, at 5:41 PM
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