Don't You Hate Pants?
Ok, so I had a small, minor freak out last night. And while I'm not over it, I am looking at things with a bit of a clearer head. That, and Derek's last sentence in the comment section made me laugh.
I couldn't sleep last night so I turned on the TV.
God Bless the Movie Network!
I watched an episode of Slings and Arrows. It's about a troupe of artist at the Burbage Festival (something like Stratford). Nothing like watching other actors suffer to realize you're not alone.
Then again, all those people have jobs.
Anyway, a good quote I took away from it (one I think Kris use don his blog once - your site's down Kris so I can't look it up) was something along the lines of not only does it take talent to be an actor, but also a complete lack of ambition.
So sad and so funny at the same time.
Then I stuck around the TV some more because the movie Proof was playing. For those of you who don't know I did a scene from Proof for my acting class.
I don't know if I should feel proud or scared or sad that I realize I did a better job than Gwenyth Paltrow.
Seriously Gwen, may I call you Gwen? Seriously, that was terrible.
First of all, you're almost 34 years old. The part is supposed to be 25. Now I understand that they did you a favour by changing your age to 27 and making Jake Gyllenhal's character younger than you, but still.
Second of all, stop trying to act like you're younger. You did not come off as 27. You came off as 34 trying to be a bratty 21 year old. I am closer to 27 than you are and I can tell you right now that people of that age don't act that way, no matter what their trauma may be.
Finally, could you give Jake a break? Now he didn't do the greatest job in this movie either, but at least he was trying. He was trying so hard to be in love with you and you gave him nothing. Watching you make love to him was like waiting for a pot of water to boil on the stove when you've forgotten to turn it on.
Anthony Hopkins, on the other hand was fantastic!
Where was I?
Oh yeah, I think I can be better than Gwenyth Paltrow. Does that mean that I will have a career that will rival hers?
Probably not
I couldn't sleep last night so I turned on the TV.
God Bless the Movie Network!
I watched an episode of Slings and Arrows. It's about a troupe of artist at the Burbage Festival (something like Stratford). Nothing like watching other actors suffer to realize you're not alone.
Then again, all those people have jobs.
Anyway, a good quote I took away from it (one I think Kris use don his blog once - your site's down Kris so I can't look it up) was something along the lines of not only does it take talent to be an actor, but also a complete lack of ambition.
So sad and so funny at the same time.
Then I stuck around the TV some more because the movie Proof was playing. For those of you who don't know I did a scene from Proof for my acting class.
I don't know if I should feel proud or scared or sad that I realize I did a better job than Gwenyth Paltrow.
Seriously Gwen, may I call you Gwen? Seriously, that was terrible.
First of all, you're almost 34 years old. The part is supposed to be 25. Now I understand that they did you a favour by changing your age to 27 and making Jake Gyllenhal's character younger than you, but still.
Second of all, stop trying to act like you're younger. You did not come off as 27. You came off as 34 trying to be a bratty 21 year old. I am closer to 27 than you are and I can tell you right now that people of that age don't act that way, no matter what their trauma may be.
Finally, could you give Jake a break? Now he didn't do the greatest job in this movie either, but at least he was trying. He was trying so hard to be in love with you and you gave him nothing. Watching you make love to him was like waiting for a pot of water to boil on the stove when you've forgotten to turn it on.
Anthony Hopkins, on the other hand was fantastic!
Where was I?
Oh yeah, I think I can be better than Gwenyth Paltrow. Does that mean that I will have a career that will rival hers?
Probably not
Labels: The Actor, What's Out There
I love Proof (the play) and also did not care much for Proof (the movie). The director basically set it up as a vehicle for Gwenny (they worked together on the far-superior Shakespeare In Love) and they really just, um, shouldn't have bothered. I wish I could have seen your scene!
And my blog is fixed. Sheesh.
Anonymous, at 9:58 PM
So what's the quote?
Nancy Kenny, at 10:52 PM
The quote:
It takes a lot more than talent to be an actor. A lack of ambition is absolutely essential.
In your case, I suggest substituting "pants" for "ambition".
Anonymous, at 3:36 PM
Tommie you should allow comments on your blog.
Nancy Kenny, at 4:13 PM
As silly as it may sound, I'm proud of you for admitting that her performance was terrible, and yours was more authentic.
Anonymous, at 12:42 PM
As silly as it may sound, I'm proud of you for admitting that her performance was terrible, and yours was more authentic.
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM
w00t, my pants hit the big time.
hey, you need to update my blog on your sidebar. I haven't used that one for a while.
I wish I had something to say about that movie, but I've never seen it. However I am working on a quite convincing portrayal of an English teacher right now. Oh, the subtext is riveting…
dw, at 10:45 AM
Updated along with Tommie's blog
Nancy Kenny, at 11:50 AM
Nancy- just saw Proof on TMNOD. I agree- you were way way WAY better than paltrow... in fact, I'm a little embarassed they didn't ask us to star in that film... I really didn't like the movie though...i had to turn it off after watching the cut-up film version of our scene.
Anonymous, at 7:52 PM
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