So you want to be an actor?

Monday, March 20, 2006

V for Vendetta

Tomorrow, Darcy and I will be officially celebrating our 4 year anniversary (4!). However, since I have rehearsal that night, we had a minor celebration tonight over dinner and a movie.

We went to see V for Vendetta and I have to say that I liked it. From what I've read, most people will either really like this film or hate it entirely. I fall on the more positive side. But I don't want to spoil it for you so I will refrain from mentioning any major plot points. But be warned, the following comments might not make sense to you until you see the movie.

I will say that the mask work in the film was wonderful to watch. I remember turning to Darcy at some point and telling him that I thought the expressions on the mask were changing. That was preposterous of course since it was all the same mask. But it really struck home some of the impressions I had when doing my own mask work that I never got to see first hand since I was the one behind said mask. In addition, I can just imagine how difficult that work was for film since on the stage I could use my whole body and he was quite often left with nothing but a head-tilt.

This is the movie that Natalie Portman shaved her head for and it made me wonder if I could ever shave my head for a part. I don't know. Tell me how much Natalie Portman got paid, then we'll talk.

I also want to add that I am really warming up to Natalie Portman (man, I can't even just call her "Natalie"). I had kinda liked her in Garden State, but I suppressed that feeling. Probably because the mess that was Episodes I, II, and III of the Star Wars series was still too fresh in my mind. After seeing this film, I think I have a full on girl-crush. She was wonderful and managed to deliver some weak lines with the utmost sincerity. Many other actors would not have been able to rise above some of that material (not to say the material is weak, just some of the dialogue could have come out poorly, but it didn't, really, go see the movie!) Plus, she has the flatest chest I have ever seen and, in a Hollywood world where everything gets inflated, I have to bow down and respect that.

Now I think I have finally learned what millions of fan-boys around the world already knew.


Uh, Happy Anniversary Darce!

(well, at least I've given him something to fantasize about :p)


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