So you want to be an actor?

Monday, March 13, 2006

An Interesting Way To Go About It

Rehearsals have been progressing at a nice pace and I've found it very interesting that we are at first getting all the major blocking out of the way before moving on to actual scene work. I don't think that I've ever done a show that way. Then again, everything at OLT is different from other shows I've done.

I also got measured a few days ago and I was pleasently surprised. You see, the girls at work were asking if I had lost weight. I didn't believe them of course. I mean I haven't been to the gym on a regular basis in months. How could I possibly have lost weight. But the tape, unlike the scale, never lies. I've lost about an inch since my last show, so, yay me.


On anothe rnote, I got an email from Noel Counsil who is the man behind Eddie May. There it was! Finally, I was going to be able to join the ranks of other fellow Ottawa actors (and those two in the link are just a sample of the many other people I know who perform for Eddie May) who get to experience the joys of dinner with a side order of murder and just a dash of mayhem (although it seems whenver Kris is performing they use the whole bottle of mayhem). I'm excited. What will he say? What will he say?

I open the email in anticipation. What's this? He's talking about a sidekick for Eddy May. Is he holding auditions?


It's a contest to find a name for said sidekick.


Well, at least I might be able to win 100$.


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