So you want to be an actor?

Friday, March 17, 2006

"Does there have to be tongue? Because I'm ok with that."

The castmate playing my best friend in Isn't It Romantic is one of the most amusing people I've met in a long time. She went from panicking about a certain scene where she has to kiss her partner because no other guy then her boyfriend had done that in many years to spewing out this gem of a line.

Last night's rehearsal was funny. It's the kind of scene where two events are happening at once. She tells her boyfriend she loves him for the first time and I'm having an affair with my boss' boss. That's not the funny part.

Add to it the fact that the Director, AD, Stage Manager and the Costume Designer are all elderly women who would hoot and holler at every sexual innuendo and there was plenty of Un!Comfortable! to go around.

It went something like this:

Nancy: "So what are we doing when the lights aren't on us?"

Director: "Oh just be close together on the bed and hopefully they will get it."

AD: "I don't know if they will get it, it is OLT after all."

SM: "That's right, they've forgotten what IT is."

CD: "That's right, they come to the theatre to GET IT! Get it?"


Also, my scene partner will in all likelihood be in his underwear on stage and the ladies are requesting a "costume parade" with various selections to see what the best fit would be (insert more hooting and hollering).

Wait a second? Underwear?

That's right Nancy, there's a very strong chance that you will be on stage either in your underwear or some other sexy lingerie of the sort that your character would own.

In my underwear, in front of 300 people, 5 nights a week and a matinee on Sundays, for three whole weeks?

My scene partner has started hitting the gym and I think I'm about to follow suit. Did I forget to mention that the stage directions indicate that my character could be a cover model for a women's magazine?

I'm sorry, does the director need thicker glasses? Last time I checked modeling agencies weren't exactly breaking down my door.

Right, theatre, suspension of disbelief. If Denise Richards can be a nuclear scientist, I guess I can be a cover model.

Where's the gym again?


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