Working for Yourself
I love Cast Parties. It's a post-show ritual that gives you one last opportunity to bond and reminisce before you all go your separate ways. Because let's be honest, unless you end up doing another show with them, it's rare that you will have any more contact with the people you just spent the past few weeks with, day-in/day-out. No matter how well intentioned you might be. (Case in point, I only still speak to Nat Quesnel and Danny Goodall from The Good Person of Szetchuan, and only sporadically at that.) That's why we bring liquor to these parties, so things don't get too sad.
However, there are exceptions to every rule.
At the Cast Party for We Won't Pay! I met and bonded with my husband's girlfriend (fake wife meets real life gf scenario ;) Now typically at these things you hang out with people, have a drunken blast and that's it. Especially since she does not live in Ottawa. But we exchanged email addresses and have been talking almost every week on msn ever since.
And we've come to a decision. Since we're both actresses looking for work, why not make our own? I've always toyed with this possibility, but I'm not a writer. I have tons of ideas and concepts for stories, but I never knew how to lay them out in a way that seems natural/realistic. Enter T (name shortened to protect the innocent from having to admit they actually know me).
We already have a story concept and she's coming up this weekend so we're going to brainstorm some stuff. And who knows where that might lead us? Workshops, Fringe Tour ... the possibilities are endless.
However, there are exceptions to every rule.
At the Cast Party for We Won't Pay! I met and bonded with my husband's girlfriend (fake wife meets real life gf scenario ;) Now typically at these things you hang out with people, have a drunken blast and that's it. Especially since she does not live in Ottawa. But we exchanged email addresses and have been talking almost every week on msn ever since.
And we've come to a decision. Since we're both actresses looking for work, why not make our own? I've always toyed with this possibility, but I'm not a writer. I have tons of ideas and concepts for stories, but I never knew how to lay them out in a way that seems natural/realistic. Enter T (name shortened to protect the innocent from having to admit they actually know me).
We already have a story concept and she's coming up this weekend so we're going to brainstorm some stuff. And who knows where that might lead us? Workshops, Fringe Tour ... the possibilities are endless.
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