The Winter Sprunk or That's One Smart Cookie
I can feel it in the air. It has finally arrived, the Winter Sprunk (or Spring Funk for the unfamiliar). It's that time of year when spring is so close but winter just won't seem to go away. It's that time when snow is no longer white, but a depressing dull-ish gray. It's that time when all the trash that people have thrown out over the past few months and conveniently forgotten about (out of sight, out of mind) begins to resurface and you can't help but feel disgusted with society as a whole. It's that time when everyone seems to be in some kind of funk or another. It's a time of year that can be summed up in one word: gross. Welcome to the Winter Sprunk.
I try and fight it. I see so many people succumb to it's depressing and frustrating nature, but I think that by simply knowing the enemy I can overcome it. And it almost works. I was in a fantastic mood this morning. Maybe it was because I knew it was Sprunk time which means that Spring is close at hand. Maybe it was because I kept thinking of all the wonderful things happening in my life or that will happen in the very near future. Maybe it was because I kept thinking about the cookie and what it had to say (more on that later). Whatever it was, it's gone now. My mind-numbing, soul-sucking job has taken care of that.
I had proofs made up of tickets for an upcoming athletic banquet and the head-honchos at Sports Services decided they didn't like them and want to go with last year's model. After all the work I put in to outline of the tickets, they don't like them. It's a very minor thing isn't it? Nothing really important. But at the moment, I'm crushed. It's just one example of the many things I do at this job that just don't matter. I don't matter. That's the message I keep getting day in, day out. No wonder I don't want to be here anymore.
I want to be valued. I want my opinions to matter. I want my creativity and my self-worth to be respected. I want to be happy. And this job? It does none of those things.
Thank God I have rehearsal tonight. A place where I can be free to express myself. Where I can forget about my day and just go hide in a role. It's bliss. It doesn't matter how sucky things get for the character, because deep down, I know how it will all turn out. And everything is going to be ok.
Maybe that's all I want. Maybe I just want to know that it's all going to be ok.
Which brings me to the cookie.
Last night, Karyn and I ate some bad Chinese food and with it came a Fortune Cookie. A few years ago I had a Fortune Cookie that was bang on. I have a good feeling about this one too.
"You are on the right chosen path."
Is it silly for me to feel good about the advice from a random cookie where 1 of 5 probably displays this very message. Yes.
Is it stupid of me to take then advice when it goes against the advice of respected loved ones? Probably.
Is it exactly what I want/need to hear right now? You're damn strait!
So basically, life is what you chose it to be. I chose to hope and to dream and to love and to listen to a cookie. And although I don't know the ending of this particular script that is my life, I'd like to think that it will all be ok.
Oh, and for those of you who play that silly game when it comes to fortunes:
"You are on the right chosen path... in bed."
Well, that's good too :p
I try and fight it. I see so many people succumb to it's depressing and frustrating nature, but I think that by simply knowing the enemy I can overcome it. And it almost works. I was in a fantastic mood this morning. Maybe it was because I knew it was Sprunk time which means that Spring is close at hand. Maybe it was because I kept thinking of all the wonderful things happening in my life or that will happen in the very near future. Maybe it was because I kept thinking about the cookie and what it had to say (more on that later). Whatever it was, it's gone now. My mind-numbing, soul-sucking job has taken care of that.
I had proofs made up of tickets for an upcoming athletic banquet and the head-honchos at Sports Services decided they didn't like them and want to go with last year's model. After all the work I put in to outline of the tickets, they don't like them. It's a very minor thing isn't it? Nothing really important. But at the moment, I'm crushed. It's just one example of the many things I do at this job that just don't matter. I don't matter. That's the message I keep getting day in, day out. No wonder I don't want to be here anymore.
I want to be valued. I want my opinions to matter. I want my creativity and my self-worth to be respected. I want to be happy. And this job? It does none of those things.
Thank God I have rehearsal tonight. A place where I can be free to express myself. Where I can forget about my day and just go hide in a role. It's bliss. It doesn't matter how sucky things get for the character, because deep down, I know how it will all turn out. And everything is going to be ok.
Maybe that's all I want. Maybe I just want to know that it's all going to be ok.
Which brings me to the cookie.
Last night, Karyn and I ate some bad Chinese food and with it came a Fortune Cookie. A few years ago I had a Fortune Cookie that was bang on. I have a good feeling about this one too.
"You are on the right chosen path."
Is it silly for me to feel good about the advice from a random cookie where 1 of 5 probably displays this very message. Yes.
Is it stupid of me to take then advice when it goes against the advice of respected loved ones? Probably.
Is it exactly what I want/need to hear right now? You're damn strait!
So basically, life is what you chose it to be. I chose to hope and to dream and to love and to listen to a cookie. And although I don't know the ending of this particular script that is my life, I'd like to think that it will all be ok.
Oh, and for those of you who play that silly game when it comes to fortunes:
"You are on the right chosen path... in bed."
Well, that's good too :p
You spelled straight wrong.
Anonymous, at 12:52 PM
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