Shiny Happy People
I'm sorry if this comes out all jumbled, but my mind is racing right now and I want to try and get as much of it down as I possibly can.
It's funny to think that no matter how bad my day can be, I show up for a rehearsal and all suddenly becomes right with the world. And what did we do tonight? We did one of my favorite things; we analyzed text! We went through one scene, line by line by line and discussed what the playwright could have meant. And we conversed and we made discoveries and it was beautiful!
Yes, I do realize how much of nerd that might make me appear to be, but it was so much fun! There is nothing that I love more then to discuss a script with the willing ear of a director, or fellow castmates, or an attentive stage manager (hi Linda!) And although I did not realize it at the time, all the work and assignments I did in various theatre history, social context and dramaturgy classes have really given me a better understanding of the playwright's words.
I am a firm believer that the playwright's words are sacred and that everything is in the script for a reason. And Wendy Wasserstein is a BRILLIANT playwright!
Tonight, we also ran the "introduction" scene between myself and my future lover. And it was awkward and uncomfortable and clumsy at times, but it was perfect because bringing someone over to your apartment for the first time is awkward and uncomfortable and clumsy and REAL. So very very real.
And that's what I loved about it all. Everything tonight just felt like it was falling into place and for one brief shining moment I felt at peace. And I knew that my decision to pursue a career in acting was the right one because there is nothing else that I would rather do than be able to perform. And that it does not matter if I become broke and starve because for one brief shiny moment I actually knew my place in the world. And it might not be the grandest place or the most prestigious place, but it's my place! And I want to shout it from the rooftops and I want to dance in the street and I want everyone to know.
Because I figure if a basket case like myself can figure out where she is suppose to be in the world, well then there's hope out there for everyone else.
And this is probably going to make me sound like the world's biggest sap (if it hasn't already), but gosh do I ever wish that most wonderful of realizations to each and every one of you.
It's funny to think that no matter how bad my day can be, I show up for a rehearsal and all suddenly becomes right with the world. And what did we do tonight? We did one of my favorite things; we analyzed text! We went through one scene, line by line by line and discussed what the playwright could have meant. And we conversed and we made discoveries and it was beautiful!
Yes, I do realize how much of nerd that might make me appear to be, but it was so much fun! There is nothing that I love more then to discuss a script with the willing ear of a director, or fellow castmates, or an attentive stage manager (hi Linda!) And although I did not realize it at the time, all the work and assignments I did in various theatre history, social context and dramaturgy classes have really given me a better understanding of the playwright's words.
I am a firm believer that the playwright's words are sacred and that everything is in the script for a reason. And Wendy Wasserstein is a BRILLIANT playwright!
Tonight, we also ran the "introduction" scene between myself and my future lover. And it was awkward and uncomfortable and clumsy at times, but it was perfect because bringing someone over to your apartment for the first time is awkward and uncomfortable and clumsy and REAL. So very very real.
And that's what I loved about it all. Everything tonight just felt like it was falling into place and for one brief shining moment I felt at peace. And I knew that my decision to pursue a career in acting was the right one because there is nothing else that I would rather do than be able to perform. And that it does not matter if I become broke and starve because for one brief shiny moment I actually knew my place in the world. And it might not be the grandest place or the most prestigious place, but it's my place! And I want to shout it from the rooftops and I want to dance in the street and I want everyone to know.
Because I figure if a basket case like myself can figure out where she is suppose to be in the world, well then there's hope out there for everyone else.
And this is probably going to make me sound like the world's biggest sap (if it hasn't already), but gosh do I ever wish that most wonderful of realizations to each and every one of you.
Thanks for the Hi!
I totally know how you feel to know that this is the right choice and right path and this is what you were meant to do. What can I say, I'm a sap too. (and a basket-case, but that's just between us)
Anonymous, at 9:06 PM
and the 50 or so ppl who read this site :)
Nancy Kenny, at 10:10 PM
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