So you want to be an actor?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Where's Your Head At?

Random Thoughts

On the bus I noticed this really pretty girl with a name tag. It said Soeur Walters and it had the name of her convent underneath.

Wow! A nun!

Now, my grandmother has a few sisters who are nuns, so it's not like I've never seen one before. But my grandmother's sisters are old. And she's... well, she's my age.

I wanted to talk to this girl. I was just so fascinated with her. I wanted to ask her so many questions, the biggest one being Why? What would drive someone of our age, in this secular society, to take up the cloth? Did she go to school somewhere? Has she ever been out drinking? Is she a total goody-two-shoes? Who is this person? What is she like?

So many questions. And none of them answered because I never bothered to ask.

Rrrrrrolllllll up the rrrrrrrrrim to win!

It's back!

And Karyn and my sister are laughing at me and making rrrrrrrrrrrrrr noises with their tongues because I can't.

That's right! I'm a freaky francophone who can't roll her r's. So don't ask.

Karyn, I said don't ask. And stop making that noise. You too, Debbie.

Anyway, I was going to get a medium coffee, but when I saw that I had to go for a large (because everyone knows all the best prizes are under the large coffees.

Well, I didn't win a van or a plasma TV (dammit!), but on my first RRTRTW cup of coffee I won... another cup of coffee (yay!)


Finally, on a more serious note, I recently learned that a friend of mine has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She's only 24 years old. Now I've done quite a bit of fundraising in some form or another in the past couple of years (Shinerama, United Way), but this is the first time that a cause actually affects me closer to home. So, to do something about it, Karyn and I have signed up for the Walk for MS which will take place on April 30th. I'm looking for people to sponsor me in the walk and I would really appreciate it if you could help me reach my goal of 250$.

You can donate by going to my page here.

A friend once told me that a good rule of thumb when it comes to donating is to donate whatever you would make from 1 hour of work.

I'll update you on my progress as it comes along.


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