So you want to be an actor?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

If music be the food of love...

I haven't had a portable music playing device in ages. I remember having a CD player early on in junior high, but that has long since fallen apart. My sister gave me her old CD player a few years ago when she bought an MP3 player, but I never really used it because I was spoiled by my computers playlist. Why listen to just one artist when I could listen to 500? I didn't want to burn a CD because I know I'd get bored with the playlist after a while and then be stuck with a wasted CD. And buying an MP3 player just wasn't a priority.

But now, with Darcy's Christmas present to me, I have an MP3 player on my Palm. I bought headphones three days ago, and I've been loving it ever since.

How did I go so long without a soundtrack to my life? It's incredible! When I walk around now, I feel like a different person. There's a bounce to my step, maybe even a bit of a strut. My head is held up higher and I loook people in the eyes when I go by. And I'm smiling! Listening to my very own private concert makes me happy and I'm smiling a whole lot more.

You know what else I've discovered? People stare at you when you smile (or maybe they always did but my head was down and I didn't notice?) It's weird. I feel like everyone looks so depressed and they look at me like they don't understand what there is to be smiling about. Does that make sense?

I guess the point I'm trying to make is: Music Good - Play on!


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