So you want to be an actor?

Friday, November 25, 2005

I Miss People

Last week, my intramural Ultimate Frisbee team won the playoffs and, as champions, we received 60$ to spend at the Urban Well (not on booze, unfortunately).

Hanging out at the Well with a live band to entertain us ans sitting at a table of 11 people, I realized how much I missed this atmosphere.

I don't go out much anymore for a variety of reasons: I've outgrown it, I don't have that many friends who go out, and it's expensive. However, tonight it was different. I was drinking, but not enough to get smashed. Just enough to be sociable and have fun and not realize how freakin cold it is outside when Darcy and I decide to walk back to Vanier (OK, so we missed the bus because I migh have jinxed us, but still, he could have been a gentlemen and flagged a damn cab down since I really needed to pee and he makes it worse by just going over the bridge and what was my point again?)

What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, I miss going out, drinking, and having a good time witout being sick in the morning.

Hopefully tomorrow night, after rehearsal, Chris will let me buy him a birthday drink (Happy B-Day, Chris!) and I might actually get to stay out a little later then 11pm because stupid work gets in the way.

Did any of this make sense?

Bah! I'll re-read it all when I'm sober.


  • Well, well...

    We COULD have gone out last weekend like I suggested, but noooo...SOMEONE wanted to go to the movies with her boyfriend instead. *rolls eyes*

    So there :P

    By Blogger Mme H, at 4:41 PM  

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