So you want to be an actor?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Who Won't Pay? We Won't Pay!

Things are going really well with the show. This is the first time in a long time where I am really looking forward to rehearsals. I mean REALLY looking forward. Like there is absolutely nothing else that I would rather be doing at that moment. Of course some of this probably stems from that fact that I don't like my job all that much and will take any excuse to get off work (sorry Chris, can't let you get a fat head :p)
But honestly, I think it's because everyone involved with the show REALLY wants to be there. Or maybe because it's such a fun show and everyone is bringing a lot of energy to it.

Well, they're bringing a lot of energy now anyway.

These past couple of weeks I've realized how tough it is to be a director since we lost one of our actors. However, now that we have someone new in place, I just couldn't believe how strong our new dynamic is. It has really helped me bring my performance level up because I now have someone who actually plays off of what I give them and also gives me something to play with.

Anyway, I'm glad things are going well. I just hope I can keep this up when we throw masques into the mix.


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