So you want to be an actor?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Queue de poisson

"So how did your audition go?"

"They loved me so much they cast me on the spot!"

Ok, maybe not. But seriously, how do you answer a question like that when there are so many variables in place that are out of your control?

I had my audition today for a brand new French TV show entitled Queue de poisson. Well, me and every other francophone graduate of the Theatre department (and Nat, if you weren't there, then I don't consider you a French graduate :p)

All in all, it went well. I felt comfortable with the role. For that five minutes, it was my role.

Could I have prepared more? Probably. You can always prepare more and I was really busy this week with extra shifts at work, rehearsals, ultimate frisbee (sidebar: my team won in the playoffs!), and every other day-to-day thing I do with my life. But I'm going to put that aside for now. No point inwprrying about things I can't change now. Besides, they spent the weekend auditioning in Ottawa and next weekend they are in Toronto. My role is the only twenty-something female role they had and since that is a fairly big demographic for actors (well in my head it is), I won't take it too hard.

No major woosh factor though, but that may have to do that I auditioned during a reheasal and my radar was ou of whack.

Speaking of rehearsals, things are going well. Or so I'm told. My lines aren't perfect, but at least I'm stumbling around off book. But I guess if the director isn't worried (or isn't letting us know he's worried :p) then I shouldn't be worried either.


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