So you want to be an actor?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Fashion Crime the Likes of Socks and Sandals

Seriously, what did your poor jeans ever do to deserve this? I am so sick of seeing people walking around with their jeans shoved down their boots. In fact, I have gotten so annoyed that I have actually taken the time to find a photo, crop it and post it here.

What the hell are people thinking? I mean your jeans are all bunched up, it's ridiculous! Granted, there are some people ( a very small number, I assure you) that can pull this look off and that's usually because they are wearing boots with a wider opening and jeans that are actually boot cut. There's a reason it's called boot-cut, people!

And what with the style of boots that now seems to be in fashion for the winter season, I get the feeling like this trend isn't going to go away any time soon.



  • Plus it just really doesn't seem all that comfortable. Not that I've tried it, because, you know, I hate following trends.

    By Blogger anycheese, at 12:21 PM  

  • hehe, you're starting to sound more like me every year!
    Just watch, by the time this style is out we will actually have gotten used to it and maybe, just maybe, even warmed up to it!

    I think we're not as young and "hip" as we used to be. Now we're wiser and crabby...always thinking back to the way things "used to be" back in the day.... ;)

    By Blogger Mme H, at 9:45 PM  

  • Back in the day we used to wear an onion on our belts, cuz that was the style at the time.

    By Blogger Nancy Kenny, at 4:55 PM  

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