Obsessive much?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.
You know the old saying, the camera adds 10, 20, 30 pounds depending on who you talk to.
I feel like that girl in Mallrats (and Clerks for you movie buffs out there) who finds that out before going on a dating show. So she starts doing lap after lap and dies of a heart problem, I think, in the pool.
For the past two weeks, I have been at the gym 6 days a week trying to be in shape for my first shooting day on May 7th. You'd think that by increasing my weekly gym time from 3-4 to 6 would make some slight difference. Well it did.
I've gained close to 5 pounds.
I wanted to cry.
I seriously don't get it. I mean when you don't change your eating habits (other than no longer eating before bedtime) but you increase your level of physical activity, shouldn't you be losing weight not gaining?
I'm really frustrated.
Also, it's the end of my first week at my new job and I'm just a little tired of having someone constantly looking over my shoulder. Hopefully next week will be better because so far, I'm not really enjoying this so much.
You know the old saying, the camera adds 10, 20, 30 pounds depending on who you talk to.
I feel like that girl in Mallrats (and Clerks for you movie buffs out there) who finds that out before going on a dating show. So she starts doing lap after lap and dies of a heart problem, I think, in the pool.
For the past two weeks, I have been at the gym 6 days a week trying to be in shape for my first shooting day on May 7th. You'd think that by increasing my weekly gym time from 3-4 to 6 would make some slight difference. Well it did.
I've gained close to 5 pounds.
I wanted to cry.
I seriously don't get it. I mean when you don't change your eating habits (other than no longer eating before bedtime) but you increase your level of physical activity, shouldn't you be losing weight not gaining?
I'm really frustrated.
Also, it's the end of my first week at my new job and I'm just a little tired of having someone constantly looking over my shoulder. Hopefully next week will be better because so far, I'm not really enjoying this so much.
umm... sweetie... muscle weighs more than fat... you can be smaller in size/proportion, but still weigh more than you did. Don't obsess too much... the camera will pick that up too!
Natalie Joy, at 12:16 AM
http://www.mybodycomp.com/ is your very best friend in the whole world. Create a profile and track your workout progress using body measurements in addition to the scale. Your weight is only one piece of the total picture.
There are also a couple of other effects of increased exercise that you may be unaware of. The first is that exercise encourages your body to make new blood cells (blood volume increases... a good thing). The second is that new muscle cells mean that your body will keep more glycogen (muscle-food... a good thing) on-hand, and glycogen molecules are hydrophoric (i.e. they make you retain water... but for a good reason). The third is that protein synthesis (as a result of exercise... synthesis is required to repair damage from exercising, and repair is a good thing) also increases cell volume.
I'm probably talking partly through my ass, since I'm no expert, but it's almost impossible to gain five pounds of muscle in two weeks (unless you're on HGH?). All of these weight-gainy-things are somewhat minor effects, but they are the MOST pronounced in the first couple of weeks after a big change in an exercise regime... so don't worry about it!
Finally, you're just silly if you think that increasing your caloric burn weight can possibly make you more fat... so I vote on behalf of the healthy, happy-body factors I have already mentioned.
Besides, you look fahbulous. Bitch.
Anonymous, at 11:51 PM
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