Crisis of Faith
With Easter and the Pope dying, religion has been in the back of my mind lately. I'm Catholic but, like the majority of us out there, I'm not a very good one. I've just been very conflicted about all these things that I, and everyone around me, have been doing that are "wrong" or a sin.
According to Catholic dogma, if you were ever divorced, had sex before marriage, used contraceptives, didn't go to church every Sunday, were gay, didn't go to confession regularly, ect. (this is just a short list), then you are going to Hell. Its' like Reverend Lovejoy said, "technically we're not even suppose to go to the bathroom."
So basically we're all going to Hell.
It just doesn't make sense to me. If God is all loving and forgiving why the punishment? Also, didn't Jesus die on the cross to save us from all our sins? Then why are they still there?
I've been kinda doing a bit of research into all this and I've been finding that the Roman Catholic Church might not actually be following the scriptures to the letter. They have their traditions and they also have the scriptures, but they hold their traditions is just as high regard as the scriptures which I think is kinda wrong. Actually, from what I gather, this is exactly what Protestants have against Catholics and the Vatican. Protestants believe solely in the Holy Scriptures because it is the Word of God. They do not believe in the Catholic traditions because they are the word of man and that is faillable.
I mean there's a lot more to it then that, but I am starting to think that there might be something to it for me.
I'm really conflicted at the moment though. I mean, it's pretty hard to realise that something you were led to believe for your entire life might actually be wrong.
According to Catholic dogma, if you were ever divorced, had sex before marriage, used contraceptives, didn't go to church every Sunday, were gay, didn't go to confession regularly, ect. (this is just a short list), then you are going to Hell. Its' like Reverend Lovejoy said, "technically we're not even suppose to go to the bathroom."
So basically we're all going to Hell.
It just doesn't make sense to me. If God is all loving and forgiving why the punishment? Also, didn't Jesus die on the cross to save us from all our sins? Then why are they still there?
I've been kinda doing a bit of research into all this and I've been finding that the Roman Catholic Church might not actually be following the scriptures to the letter. They have their traditions and they also have the scriptures, but they hold their traditions is just as high regard as the scriptures which I think is kinda wrong. Actually, from what I gather, this is exactly what Protestants have against Catholics and the Vatican. Protestants believe solely in the Holy Scriptures because it is the Word of God. They do not believe in the Catholic traditions because they are the word of man and that is faillable.
I mean there's a lot more to it then that, but I am starting to think that there might be something to it for me.
I'm really conflicted at the moment though. I mean, it's pretty hard to realise that something you were led to believe for your entire life might actually be wrong.
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