So you want to be an actor?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Help Me Choose A Headshot

The following pictures are my headshot choices. My agent likes them and has told me that I just need to choose the one I like best. However, I would like to hear people's opinions on them. So far I have one vote for Headshot #2 and one for #3 from the girls at work. Just post your vote in the comments section.


Headshot #1 Posted by Hello

Headshot #2 Posted by Hello

Headshot #3 Posted by Hello

Headshot #4 Posted by Hello


  • Hey Nancy,

    although headshot number 2 is nice overall, looks pretty much like an ordinary girl...

    Now, headshots 3, brings our eyes, hair, face, skin... everything... something i could imagine seeing in a soap opera bio or something.. =)

    go for #3!

    Vicky, the ex-poli-scier

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:56 PM  

  • I like headshot #2.

    #1 is okay but a little plain, 3 is kind of weird, and i just dont like 4 that much.

    Agree that 2 isn't as striking as #3, I just feel like 2 is better in general. 3 would be good if you were alawys playing kooky or eccentric roles.

    By Blogger Darcy, at 4:24 PM  

  • 2, 4, 1, 3 (2 being the best)

    1 reminds me of a highschool yearbook picture....

    i agree with what darcy said about #3 - you can always throw it in if it suits the role well.

    i think your cheekbones look fabulous in #2 and overall your face seems to be glowing (it's not a fake smile).

    good stuff!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:42 PM  

  • #2 is my choice.

    I actually really like #3, but unfortunately, I think your hair overpowers the picture and covers a bit more of your face than it should.

    #4 is nice, but as my agent told me when I showed her some of my less interesting shots, "Okay, nice, but so what? Let's see some character."

    I don't get anything from #1.

    -- A CAO'er

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:23 PM  

  • I dunno! I really really like number 3! I don't think the hair is too overpowering, it radiates personality. Like, I would be curious "what's she like? let's call her". lol... but I'm not an agent so maybe I dunno.

    I agree that #1 looks like a yearbook photo..but it just might work? it's a very "normal" photo, and if actors are supposed to be able to be anything..

    #2 looks strange to me though.

    That's just my 2 cents. Best of luck!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:20 PM  

  • Hi Nancy,

    I would go with #3 or #4. I prefer #4 but #3 is really good also. #1 is just too plain, and #2 is just not you at all... its a pretty pic, but it's just not you and the cheekbones are a bit too much... so #3 or #4...

    bonne chance fille! ;)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:41 PM  

  • I think number three is best...number 2 has that unfortunate shadow over part of your face, and the other two are kind of close to classic yearbook poses (as someone else mentioned). Number 4 isn't so bad as far as those two are concerned tho...and I don't think any of them are especially bad.

    By Blogger Andrew, at 9:36 PM  

  • I'm picking number 3 for no reason. They all look fantastic. Don't forget Monday C when you're famous!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:41 PM  

  • Didn't read the others' comments because I wanted to remain uninfluenced. I like #1, but only because it's not as coquettish as the others. Not sure if that would influence you either way, but that's mho. Good luck!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:58 PM  

  • 2 doesn't look a damn thing like you, belongs on someone else's resume. You're hair is off in 3 so it may come off as unpolished which from what i understand shouldn't happen on your headshot since you're supposed to look "perfect" so 1 or 4

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:40 PM  

  • and the consensus is.... 1, 2, 3, or 4.

    weren't we all helpful? :P

    By Blogger Darcy, at 12:27 AM  

  • Hrm...

    Id have to rank them in the following order.

    4, 2, 3, 1

    1 is too plain looking, as has already been mentioned.

    Other than that I don't have a reason for my order other then I think 4 looks the best.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:38 AM  

  • Definately #2!!! :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:23 PM  

  • 1 is the prettiest, but I think 3 has the most character. Therefore, I think you should pick 3. Imagine yourself looking at hundreds of pretty headshots... I think 1 will just fade into the background. There's something about 3 that "pops".

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:17 AM  

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