What's the Play About?
*Flashback 2006 #1* (cue the Wayne's World doo-doo-doo flashback sounds)
Nancy: Hey, I'm going to see this play on Saturday. It's called The Little Years. Wanna come with me?
Darcy: I don't know. Maybe. What's it about?
Nancy: *blank stare and lots of blinking*
Darcy: Don't you know what the play is about?
Nancy: Not really. John Mighton wrote it. I have free tickets... I think it has something to do with math. And this girl who isn't allowed to do math because she's a girl. And in those days, you know, the 60s, girls weren't allowed to participate in...
Darcy: *blank stare and lots of blinking*
Darcy: You want me to go see some hippy chick play about math?
Nancy: Did I mention I have free tickets?
Cut to: Nancy emailing theatre friends from class.
Email: Hi gang, I have two free tickets for a play at the NAC on Saturday. Anyone want to come with me? *Pushes send*
Cue multiple ping noises as ten or more people enthusiastically respond, without even knowing the title of the play, that they want the other ticket.
*Flashback 2006 #2* (cue the Wayne's World doo-doo-doo flashback sounds)
Nancy: Hey, I'm going to see this play called The Domino Heart, wanna come with me?
Karyn: I don't know. What's it about?
Nancy: *blank stare and lots of blinking*
Karyn: You do know what the play is about, right?
Nancy: Kris is in it. That's pretty much all I needed to know. You remember Kris? He's the one who put on that Cabaret thingy we went to see.
Karyn: Well, I'm going to need a bit more information before I go.
Nancy: Ok, well, I think it has something to so with heart surgery.
Karyn: *blank stare and lots of blinking*
Nancy: Um, did I mention Kris is in it?
Last night I asked Darcy if he wanted to come and see a play with me on Thursday when he asked that faithful question again: What's the play about?
My answer: I don't know
I know this may sound weird, but I don't take the time to learn what a play is about before I go and see it (and as you can tell from what I wrote above, even if I did, I don't usually do it justice when I try explaining it to someone else). To me, the opportunity to go see a play is enough of a draw. Also, when I go to the theatre, I like to be surprised. I like having no idea where things are going to go next, even if I may have already read the text. When it's a good play, I like being able to discover things along with the characters. I even like seeing bad plays because I find I can learn alot from it. I just like theatre. So, next time I ask any of you to come see a play with me, please don't ask me what it's about because I probably won't know the answer. Instead, just say you'll come with me and see for yourself.
Nancy: Hey, I'm going to see this play on Saturday. It's called The Little Years. Wanna come with me?
Darcy: I don't know. Maybe. What's it about?
Nancy: *blank stare and lots of blinking*
Darcy: Don't you know what the play is about?
Nancy: Not really. John Mighton wrote it. I have free tickets... I think it has something to do with math. And this girl who isn't allowed to do math because she's a girl. And in those days, you know, the 60s, girls weren't allowed to participate in...
Darcy: *blank stare and lots of blinking*
Darcy: You want me to go see some hippy chick play about math?
Nancy: Did I mention I have free tickets?
Cut to: Nancy emailing theatre friends from class.
Email: Hi gang, I have two free tickets for a play at the NAC on Saturday. Anyone want to come with me? *Pushes send*
Cue multiple ping noises as ten or more people enthusiastically respond, without even knowing the title of the play, that they want the other ticket.
*Flashback 2006 #2* (cue the Wayne's World doo-doo-doo flashback sounds)
Nancy: Hey, I'm going to see this play called The Domino Heart, wanna come with me?
Karyn: I don't know. What's it about?
Nancy: *blank stare and lots of blinking*
Karyn: You do know what the play is about, right?
Nancy: Kris is in it. That's pretty much all I needed to know. You remember Kris? He's the one who put on that Cabaret thingy we went to see.
Karyn: Well, I'm going to need a bit more information before I go.
Nancy: Ok, well, I think it has something to so with heart surgery.
Karyn: *blank stare and lots of blinking*
Nancy: Um, did I mention Kris is in it?
Last night I asked Darcy if he wanted to come and see a play with me on Thursday when he asked that faithful question again: What's the play about?
My answer: I don't know
I know this may sound weird, but I don't take the time to learn what a play is about before I go and see it (and as you can tell from what I wrote above, even if I did, I don't usually do it justice when I try explaining it to someone else). To me, the opportunity to go see a play is enough of a draw. Also, when I go to the theatre, I like to be surprised. I like having no idea where things are going to go next, even if I may have already read the text. When it's a good play, I like being able to discover things along with the characters. I even like seeing bad plays because I find I can learn alot from it. I just like theatre. So, next time I ask any of you to come see a play with me, please don't ask me what it's about because I probably won't know the answer. Instead, just say you'll come with me and see for yourself.
Labels: What's Out There
imo you're entertained enough just by the acting, the story isn't that important.
For me if I'm gonna go I want to see something that interests me. Not a tale of a teenage girls road to womanhood or whatever other crap might be out there. I don't need a lot of details, just a genre and a topic. Zombies doin synchronized dancing? eh, ok. Comedic re-enactments of Canadian history? sure. Anything by Bertel Brecht? now that I've seen one, no thanks. "THE BOY WENT OVER THE MOUNTAIN. THE BOY WENT OVER THE MOUNTAIN". You lose bertel.
After seeing marie antoinette, I concluded that plot is indeed important for movies and I'd say it applies to plays too.
Darcy, at 12:31 PM
Listen, you may not need details or a synopsis to convince *you* to see a play (of course not, you studied THEATRE for how many years?), but your non-acting friends do. If you want company of these friends, you will probably want to find out SOMETHING about it that will peak our interest enough to want to go.
P.S. I think the only time we would go to a play without really caring what it's about is if you're in it. And even then we may ask you. But we'd be more likely to go. ;)
Mme H, at 5:48 PM
I think we like to have a choice...
"wanna watch tv?"
-if you don't like what's on, you can change the channel or leave.
"wanna go to the movie theatre"
-lots of movies to choose from.
A play....there's only one you have tickets for, and you really can't leave. I guess your choices are limited to 'yes' or 'no'
dw, at 7:22 PM
For free tickets to the theatre, I wouldn't even need a title.
Anonymous, at 9:47 PM
I like going to see plays that I know I won't like, 'cuz pain is so close to pleasure.
That, and it gives me something to be catty about over drinks afterwards:
"What the HELL was that BOY WENT OVER THE MOUNTAIN thing about?"
Ereek, at 3:36 PM
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