So you want to be an actor?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thank You for Smoking

Thank You for Smoking - awesome movie, you should definately check it out. It has a stellar cast which includes my favorite actress, Maria Bello, and my new crush, Aaron Eckhart.

Funny how I usually have so much more to say about the bad movies.


On another note, some people pointed out to me that my problems sleeping may have to do with the amount of caffeine that is running through my veins. That's why I've discovered something completely new: DECAF!

It turns out that I'm not addicted to caffeine, just the taste of coffee. And you know what? Decaf tastes exactly the same while giving me a placebo jolt effect.

It'll do



  • heh, I don't drink pop, not a huge fan of chocolate (I know, I'm weird) and red bull isn't exactly a staple in my diet

    but, hey, thanks!

    By Blogger Nancy Kenny, at 4:01 PM  

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