On Valentine's Day and Biological Clocks
While I know some of my friends have already ranted their feelings about Valentine's Day and singledom and I just felt that I had to mention that it's not all chocolates and roses for people in relationships either.
You see, if you're in a relationship there's all this added pressure to go out, buy gifts, do something, anything to show this person that you really REALLY love them. And seriously, what's the point? I like restaurants and movie theatres, but on Valentine's Day they are too crowded to be properly enjoyed. Chocolates make you fat, flowers die too quickly, and Hallmark has way too much money as it is (did you know there's a Hallmark Channel on TV?) (oh and I MADE Darcy a card - so F.U. Hallmark!)
What did I do for Valentine's Day? I spent the better part of the afternoon cleaning. I did the dishes, laundry, cleaned every room in the house, put out the garbage and swept the floors. I was exhausted and cranky. You know why? Because you're not suppose to be doing something like that on Valentine's Day. So I had all this stupid commercial pressure that made me feel bad because I was not having some candlelight dinner where a bear holding a heart was the centerpiece. I was picking up puppy poo. So before you leave me a comment along the lines "oh well at least you had someone for Valentine's Day," remember these two words: Puppy Poo.
Now don't you think your Valentine's Day was a little bit better?
Which brings me to my second topic: Biological Clocks.
As I had mentioned previously, I went home this past weekend to surprise my mom for her birthday. Now, I like going home to see my mom, but there's one thing I can't stand. You see, now that my eldest cousin has had a baby and gotten married (in that particular order :p), it seems like every conversation eventually comes around to: "So, when are you going to have a baby/get married?"
You know what? The more people ask, the less interested I am.
And my mom always has this look in her eyes now whenver there's a baby at the house. Like she sees all her friends and relatives with grandchildren and we suddenly get into dangerous territory. I try to deflect the baby talk to puppy talk, but to no avail.
Why must I have a baby? I want a career, dammit! And besides, I couldn't afford a baby even if I wanted one (damn student loans!) Anyway, I'm much too self-involved to be responsible for another human being. I'm disgusted by diapers, drool and constant crying. I mean, slap on a diaper and I might as well be talking about the dog (now that I think about it, a diaper might actually be an improvement :p) If having a baby is anything like having a puppy, well then, count me out! At least for another 10 years (which is when my student loan should be paid off - thank you very much Government!)
At least my sister has a steady boyfriend now and she is more than happy to bring up weddings/babies/future homes/financial stability ect. ect. I can usually slip out and go check my emails or something at this point.
To be fair, my cousins daughter is the sweetest little thing. However, the more people keep pressuring me about this whole kids issue, the less it makes me want to hold her (that and I don't want to do something stupid like drop her).
My biological clock is definately not ticking at the moment. It's set on cruise control and it's quite happy there.
You see, if you're in a relationship there's all this added pressure to go out, buy gifts, do something, anything to show this person that you really REALLY love them. And seriously, what's the point? I like restaurants and movie theatres, but on Valentine's Day they are too crowded to be properly enjoyed. Chocolates make you fat, flowers die too quickly, and Hallmark has way too much money as it is (did you know there's a Hallmark Channel on TV?) (oh and I MADE Darcy a card - so F.U. Hallmark!)
What did I do for Valentine's Day? I spent the better part of the afternoon cleaning. I did the dishes, laundry, cleaned every room in the house, put out the garbage and swept the floors. I was exhausted and cranky. You know why? Because you're not suppose to be doing something like that on Valentine's Day. So I had all this stupid commercial pressure that made me feel bad because I was not having some candlelight dinner where a bear holding a heart was the centerpiece. I was picking up puppy poo. So before you leave me a comment along the lines "oh well at least you had someone for Valentine's Day," remember these two words: Puppy Poo.
Now don't you think your Valentine's Day was a little bit better?
Which brings me to my second topic: Biological Clocks.
As I had mentioned previously, I went home this past weekend to surprise my mom for her birthday. Now, I like going home to see my mom, but there's one thing I can't stand. You see, now that my eldest cousin has had a baby and gotten married (in that particular order :p), it seems like every conversation eventually comes around to: "So, when are you going to have a baby/get married?"
You know what? The more people ask, the less interested I am.
And my mom always has this look in her eyes now whenver there's a baby at the house. Like she sees all her friends and relatives with grandchildren and we suddenly get into dangerous territory. I try to deflect the baby talk to puppy talk, but to no avail.
Why must I have a baby? I want a career, dammit! And besides, I couldn't afford a baby even if I wanted one (damn student loans!) Anyway, I'm much too self-involved to be responsible for another human being. I'm disgusted by diapers, drool and constant crying. I mean, slap on a diaper and I might as well be talking about the dog (now that I think about it, a diaper might actually be an improvement :p) If having a baby is anything like having a puppy, well then, count me out! At least for another 10 years (which is when my student loan should be paid off - thank you very much Government!)
At least my sister has a steady boyfriend now and she is more than happy to bring up weddings/babies/future homes/financial stability ect. ect. I can usually slip out and go check my emails or something at this point.
To be fair, my cousins daughter is the sweetest little thing. However, the more people keep pressuring me about this whole kids issue, the less it makes me want to hold her (that and I don't want to do something stupid like drop her).
My biological clock is definately not ticking at the moment. It's set on cruise control and it's quite happy there.
You know, if you have a baby, the government gives you a break on your student loans. Just saying.. ;)
anycheese, at 4:51 PM
I can guarantee you that you had a better Valentine's Day than I did. That's all I'll say about that because I am too pissed off/bitter/sad/resigned to go into any kind of detail at this point. If dog poo/baby talk is your biggest of worries, then I have no sympathy for you.
- Bitter Karyn
Mme H, at 8:35 PM
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