Alright, I know it's been a while and I'm sorry to have kept you avid readers (all 8 of you) out of the loop for so long, but my sister and I went home to surprise my mom for her birthday and I didn't want to risk spilling the beans. *end run-on sentence*
To be fair though, I had written this obscenely long post about how I was nervous about auditions, how my mom was surprised for her birthday, ect. ect. ect. But then blogger ate it and it was too long a post for me to bother rewriting it.
So instead, I've decided to wait until after my audition to let you know how it went.
Let me start off by saying the drive was much easier than I had anticipated and that mapquest driving directions are the greatest thing since sliced bread and slow cookers. Also, while mapquest said it would take about 1 hour and 5 minutes, I'm pretty sure I got there in 45 minutes.
Prescott is also a really pretty little town on the waterfront. And being a maritime girl, I really loved seeing all that beautiful water.
The audition went well. I showed up unbelievably early, but it gave me lots of prep time which was good. I also really enjoyed driving to an audition. Unlike taking the bus, no one looks at you like you're crazy for talking to yourself or making weird vocal noises as a warm up. Although I think other drivers might think you're crazy for holding up a sheet and trying to read the directions off of it while you are driving.
I refrained from calling a certain someone who had auditioned just the day before me and grill him about every little detail that had not made its way onto the web. My reasoning was that he went to a group audition and I was fairly certain that I would be going solo since this was a special time granted to me. And I was right.
While I do occasionally enjoy a group audition because it gives you a chance to play off many different people, I think it might have worked out more in my favour to do it alone. For one thing, the director will remember me (oh ya, that pesky girl who needed to reschedule). For another, I got a decent amount of one-on-one time in which we chated about the show and about work I had done in the past.
I need to pause here and give mad props to a sweet little lady in the Prescott Town Hall who was kind enough to print out my resume for me. It was a huge help!
Things that stood out on my resume for her where actually two workshops that I hadn't originally signed up for. The first was a Shakespeare Workshop with Marti Maraden, former NAC Artistic Director, done through the U of O, for which Jeanine (the fantastic Theatre Department receptionist) had called me to see if I'd be interested to attend. The second was a Lecoq Movement Workshop done at the NAC that I had heard about from Jan Irwin (thanks Jan!) Both these workshops seemed to make her think that I knew something about performing Shakespeare and I could move on stage (even though it's been over 2 years since I did them - note to self: find more workshops).
Then she had me do my monologue and then do it again in 5 or 6 different ways. We ended the audition on a very positive note when she told me that I had very clear intentions in my monologue and that I took very good direction (shucks, I knew that one!)
I also realized how much I had missed analyzing a Shakespearian piece. There is just something so nerdishly cool about going through the words and seeing where the Bard might have purposely screwed with the iambic pentameter to give a certain line or a certain word more weight. (Me: OMG! This line has 11 syllables! Wicked! My sister: *eyes roll*)
Anyway, after that audition, I think I wouldn't mind working with the St Lawrence Shakespeare Festival. However, it wouldn't be a union gig for me (guest contracts are given to all Equity members), which is a shame.
Oh well. Patience, young grasshoper!
To be fair though, I had written this obscenely long post about how I was nervous about auditions, how my mom was surprised for her birthday, ect. ect. ect. But then blogger ate it and it was too long a post for me to bother rewriting it.
So instead, I've decided to wait until after my audition to let you know how it went.
Let me start off by saying the drive was much easier than I had anticipated and that mapquest driving directions are the greatest thing since sliced bread and slow cookers. Also, while mapquest said it would take about 1 hour and 5 minutes, I'm pretty sure I got there in 45 minutes.
Prescott is also a really pretty little town on the waterfront. And being a maritime girl, I really loved seeing all that beautiful water.
The audition went well. I showed up unbelievably early, but it gave me lots of prep time which was good. I also really enjoyed driving to an audition. Unlike taking the bus, no one looks at you like you're crazy for talking to yourself or making weird vocal noises as a warm up. Although I think other drivers might think you're crazy for holding up a sheet and trying to read the directions off of it while you are driving.
I refrained from calling a certain someone who had auditioned just the day before me and grill him about every little detail that had not made its way onto the web. My reasoning was that he went to a group audition and I was fairly certain that I would be going solo since this was a special time granted to me. And I was right.
While I do occasionally enjoy a group audition because it gives you a chance to play off many different people, I think it might have worked out more in my favour to do it alone. For one thing, the director will remember me (oh ya, that pesky girl who needed to reschedule). For another, I got a decent amount of one-on-one time in which we chated about the show and about work I had done in the past.
I need to pause here and give mad props to a sweet little lady in the Prescott Town Hall who was kind enough to print out my resume for me. It was a huge help!
Things that stood out on my resume for her where actually two workshops that I hadn't originally signed up for. The first was a Shakespeare Workshop with Marti Maraden, former NAC Artistic Director, done through the U of O, for which Jeanine (the fantastic Theatre Department receptionist) had called me to see if I'd be interested to attend. The second was a Lecoq Movement Workshop done at the NAC that I had heard about from Jan Irwin (thanks Jan!) Both these workshops seemed to make her think that I knew something about performing Shakespeare and I could move on stage (even though it's been over 2 years since I did them - note to self: find more workshops).
Then she had me do my monologue and then do it again in 5 or 6 different ways. We ended the audition on a very positive note when she told me that I had very clear intentions in my monologue and that I took very good direction (shucks, I knew that one!)
I also realized how much I had missed analyzing a Shakespearian piece. There is just something so nerdishly cool about going through the words and seeing where the Bard might have purposely screwed with the iambic pentameter to give a certain line or a certain word more weight. (Me: OMG! This line has 11 syllables! Wicked! My sister: *eyes roll*)
Anyway, after that audition, I think I wouldn't mind working with the St Lawrence Shakespeare Festival. However, it wouldn't be a union gig for me (guest contracts are given to all Equity members), which is a shame.
Oh well. Patience, young grasshoper!
I'm sorry I left you on your own, but I'm glad to hear things went well! When do you hear back?
Anonymous, at 9:25 AM
Probably never for all I know. They did get about 500 applications after all. I doubt they call everyone back.
Nancy Kenny, at 3:12 PM
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