So you want to be an actor?

Saturday, July 02, 2005

I won't complain

Because no one probably wants to hear about me showing up at 8:45am for a 9 o'clock shoot and said shooting not starting until 1:30pm.

Nope, I sure won't complain about that.

Nor will I complain about the fact that I didn't go out with my friends after the Canada Day fireworks last night because of said shoot. Instead, I walked from Darcy's house in the market to the Lees bus station (taking the long way around the Rideau Centre which had been shut down) because a gillion people all wanted to get home from the Laurier bus stop.

I also won't complain that I had a friend staying at my house over the weekend whom I had not seen in over a year and how I could not take her out for breakfast this morning because I had to be at the shoot for 9am.

Yup, I'm definately not here to complain.

Bitching, on the other hand, is definately something that I don't mind doing.


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