So you want to be an actor?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Face Good Enough for Radio

Ok, maybe not since I was told that I photograph well for the camera, but I did have an absolute blast recording a radio show for Richard Hemphill and Remote Planet Productions. He has a show that airs weekly on CKCU. It's in reruns at the moment, but he's shooting all sorts of stories throughout the summer for the fall. Yesterday, I recorded two stories. One was a very brief script called Blind Date from Hell and the other was this wickedly funny half hour script entitled Land of the Large. It spoofs the 60s sci-fi shows with a bumbling captain, his drunken wife, the professor, an evil genius, a robot, a boy, and myself as the professors bimbo assistant who ends up outsmarting them all.

It's a stretch, I know, but I pulled it off. :p

Actually, it seems I did such a good job that Richard wants me in all his other radio shows, and is now including me in a lead role for his next fringe production.

Now this is where networking really pays off:

- I meet my new friend Chris as a fellow actor in the disorganized independant film I keep ranting about.

- Chris is in a show at the Fringe, Monstrous Beasts which was written by Richard Hemphill.

- I spend too much time at the beer tent, where Chris shows up with some of his cast mates, as well as Richard.

- Richard tells me his regular leading lady, who's been in all his shows, is moving to Vancouver and has me do funny voices for him (note: he is quite innebriated at the moment so it was hard to take him seriously... then again, so wa I...)

- Richard takes down my email address and emails me about 3 days later.

- See above.


Dammit, this means something good has actually come out of the movie. Well, lets see how long it takes before it falls out of grace with me again. :/


In other news, I had a great experience on another film set today. I'm tired though, so I'll write more on that tomorrow.


  • hehehe, bear tent...Roaaaaarrrr!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:49 PM  

  • Hooray for succeses...

    just don't get too carried away and turn into Chris Tucker

    By Blogger Darcy, at 4:15 PM  

  • I guess I spent so much time at the beer tent, I forgot how to spell it :p

    And Deb, whenever I get my own mazerati, we can talk about getting you one.

    By Blogger Nancy Kenny, at 5:05 PM  

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