I don't get stressed out
yeah right! That may be what I tell myself, but my body knows I'm lying.
You see, stress comes in very specific stages for me.
The first stage is the arrival of the stressful event. Usually, it's something that is some time away so that my body gets enough time to freak itself out. Sometimes, it may even be more than one event, like using many feet for a good kick in the pants. In stage one, everything is fine.
In stage two, I am in denial. You see, little changes begin occuring that I simply brush off as being caused my something else. Problems digesting? It must be what I'm eating, or not eating. No motivation to go to the gym? I'm just being lazy. Lack of sleep? It must be my environment, my computer's too loud or the room poorly ventilated. Lack of energy? See lack of sleep, no gym and poor digestion. Sniffles? It's just cold out as well as all of the above.
In stage three though, my body who at first was subtle in trying to warn me of the stress is now screaming. This is expressed by a sharp stabbing pain at the base of my neck close to my left shoulder. However, the neck pain could also be brushed off as poor posture, a bad computer chair and too much WoW, so my body, just to make sure I get the message sends in the big guns: canker sores, painful, painful canker sores. Ugh!
This brings us to stage four, the realization that I am stressed out. Throw in some PMS for good measure and there is no cure. What follows is crankiness, moodiness, and mild depression. Oh! and everything becomes Darcy's fault (sorry babe :p) The only solution is to ride it out until the stressful event passes, bringing with it the knowledge that it wasn't that bad. Which of course I remember for the next time I get stressed, so that these stages never happen again... right.
Stage five: repeat.
Fortunately, all is not lost. If the sneaky stress becomes perceived before the end of stage three, there is still hope. I will eat better, go to the gym more and just breathe. I will ride it out without making life miserable for all those around me. I will have a good show this week, I will be prepared when applying for a new job at the University, and confident when meeting with the agency.
I will be fine
but if I'm not, it's still all Darcy's fault ;)
yeah right! That may be what I tell myself, but my body knows I'm lying.
You see, stress comes in very specific stages for me.
The first stage is the arrival of the stressful event. Usually, it's something that is some time away so that my body gets enough time to freak itself out. Sometimes, it may even be more than one event, like using many feet for a good kick in the pants. In stage one, everything is fine.
In stage two, I am in denial. You see, little changes begin occuring that I simply brush off as being caused my something else. Problems digesting? It must be what I'm eating, or not eating. No motivation to go to the gym? I'm just being lazy. Lack of sleep? It must be my environment, my computer's too loud or the room poorly ventilated. Lack of energy? See lack of sleep, no gym and poor digestion. Sniffles? It's just cold out as well as all of the above.
In stage three though, my body who at first was subtle in trying to warn me of the stress is now screaming. This is expressed by a sharp stabbing pain at the base of my neck close to my left shoulder. However, the neck pain could also be brushed off as poor posture, a bad computer chair and too much WoW, so my body, just to make sure I get the message sends in the big guns: canker sores, painful, painful canker sores. Ugh!
This brings us to stage four, the realization that I am stressed out. Throw in some PMS for good measure and there is no cure. What follows is crankiness, moodiness, and mild depression. Oh! and everything becomes Darcy's fault (sorry babe :p) The only solution is to ride it out until the stressful event passes, bringing with it the knowledge that it wasn't that bad. Which of course I remember for the next time I get stressed, so that these stages never happen again... right.
Stage five: repeat.
Fortunately, all is not lost. If the sneaky stress becomes perceived before the end of stage three, there is still hope. I will eat better, go to the gym more and just breathe. I will ride it out without making life miserable for all those around me. I will have a good show this week, I will be prepared when applying for a new job at the University, and confident when meeting with the agency.
I will be fine
but if I'm not, it's still all Darcy's fault ;)
common de-stressing techniques:
- visualization
- hitting things
- be told "you need to relax/calm down/don't worry" incessantly by people who don't get it
- drug/alcohol abuse
- deep breathing
effective de-stressing techniques:
- hitting people who tell you that you need to relax/calm down/don't worry
- visualizing hitting people who tell you that you need to relax/calm down/don't worry
- drug/alcohol abuse
- deep breathing
effective de-stressing techniques that don't result in harm to self/imprisonment:
- deep breathing
I currently inhabit stage 4, minus the PMS because I'm not biologically capable. On the other hand, testosterone is not really a helpful hormone in dealing with stress either.
Supportive, non-dismissive closing statement here.
Anonymous, at 2:55 PM
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