The Test - Part Deux
Well, I guess I am going to get the chance after all. I got a call a few days ago from the Museum of Civilization again. They want me to come back in on Friday for a real interview. I'm glad that they called but for some reason, something about this whole thing just isn't quite sitting right with me.
I mean, I know I can do the job. It's promotions. I've got years of practical experience in that field. I've also recently discovered that I have strong aptitudes in PR. I wrote the Press Release for Possible Worlds and it's quite good, even if I do say so myself (Actually, it's not just me. I showed it to someone who works in the field and they told me it was good) It would also mean a steady paycheck which would be great since my loans and bills are killing me right now.
I guess what's been bugging me lately, working for a national theatre festival (You like bowling? Join our fundraiser!) and doing publicity for my show, is that I want someone else to be doing that for me.
I want to be the person that is receiving an email requesting a personal bio, asking about hotel arrangement preferences, and wondering if I could make myself available after the media launch for a few interviews... not the one sending it. I want someone running all over town speaking to high schools and getting them to come and see a show on my behalf. I want to be the actor...
Ok, so it's not really me who wants all that. It's my lazy ego. Although getting taken cared of like that would be nice, all I really want is to work as an artist all day long, not as an administrator. And if I get this job, it just means more time away from reading and painting and learning and performing... But unfortunately, while those things are so incredibly good for my soul, they do not happen to put a roof over my head.
I guess then that I will continue working as an administrator for a little while and continue filling up every other hour with as much art as I can (Oleanna tonight, anyone? - Can't afford it, but I'm still going). And one day, when I get that email requesting a personal bio, asking what kind of hotel arrangements would work best for me, and wondering if I would have the time to grant an interview later, I will go find that person who sent it and, from the bottom of my heart, I will say thank you.
I mean, I know I can do the job. It's promotions. I've got years of practical experience in that field. I've also recently discovered that I have strong aptitudes in PR. I wrote the Press Release for Possible Worlds and it's quite good, even if I do say so myself (Actually, it's not just me. I showed it to someone who works in the field and they told me it was good) It would also mean a steady paycheck which would be great since my loans and bills are killing me right now.
I guess what's been bugging me lately, working for a national theatre festival (You like bowling? Join our fundraiser!) and doing publicity for my show, is that I want someone else to be doing that for me.
I want to be the person that is receiving an email requesting a personal bio, asking about hotel arrangement preferences, and wondering if I could make myself available after the media launch for a few interviews... not the one sending it. I want someone running all over town speaking to high schools and getting them to come and see a show on my behalf. I want to be the actor...
Ok, so it's not really me who wants all that. It's my lazy ego. Although getting taken cared of like that would be nice, all I really want is to work as an artist all day long, not as an administrator. And if I get this job, it just means more time away from reading and painting and learning and performing... But unfortunately, while those things are so incredibly good for my soul, they do not happen to put a roof over my head.
I guess then that I will continue working as an administrator for a little while and continue filling up every other hour with as much art as I can (Oleanna tonight, anyone? - Can't afford it, but I'm still going). And one day, when I get that email requesting a personal bio, asking what kind of hotel arrangements would work best for me, and wondering if I would have the time to grant an interview later, I will go find that person who sent it and, from the bottom of my heart, I will say thank you.
Labels: The Actor, The Day Job
Wow! Genius
Please don't quit your day job.
Oh and know that the sooner my acting career gets off the ground, the sooner you get a fancy car and a job taking care of my finances.
And if you're good, I may even bring you down a red carpet or two with me and introduce you to all my famous new actor friends. Of course, you will have to look like shit if you go anywhere with though, because unfortunately you will not be allowed to look better than me at a media event. Now, I know it would take an absolute miracle for you to get fat, but maybe if you stopped dressing so nice, that might help?
Nancy Kenny, at 3:01 PM
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Ereek, at 4:07 PM
(sorry 'bout the above, messed up)
One small correction:
You can't be faulted for saying that once you make it, you'd find the peon who sent you the email about your bio, hotel preferences, etc, and thank them. We'd all like to see ourselves in that light. But in reality, when faced with that adoring young person, looking at you, rapt at your awesomeness, you would smile, beatifically, and say: "Be a dear, and get me a latté, would you?"
And pat them lightly on the bottom as they go off to do your bidding.
ahhhhhhhh, someday...
Ereek, at 4:11 PM
Honestly, having been the grunt and knowing what it's like to be one, I think I'd be more than happy to go get my own latté. and maybe I'd ask them to come with me to get it. And we could chat about how they want to be an actor too. And I could mentor them. And it would be awesome!
Until one day she betrays my trust by sleeping with my man and stealing my Oscar from the living room mantle. At which point I would run her over with my car. And all would be well because you don't put Oscar winners in jail.
Nancy Kenny, at 4:16 PM
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